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MEISKA – KERAS KEPALA LIRIK is a popular Indonesian song by the artist Meiska. This song has captivating lyrics and a catchy melody that has captured the hearts of many music lovers. In this tutorial, we will break down the lyrics of the song and provide an English translation to help you better understand the meaning behind the words.

1. Intro:
The song starts with a melodious tune that sets the mood for the rest of the song. The lyrics immediately draw you in with their poignant message and emotional delivery.

2. Verse 1:
“Keras kepala dirimu tuk cinta yang tak pasti
Keras kepala hatimu hampa suasana hati
Biar semua jelas.”

“Your stubbornness for uncertain love
Your stubborn heart empty mood
Let everything be clear.”

This verse talks about the struggles of a relationship where one party is stubborn and unwilling to compromise. The lyrics convey a sense of frustration and longing for clarity in the situation.

3. Chorus:
“Dengarkan hatiku
Sungguh aku tlah
Menunggu untuknya kembali.”

“Listen to my heart
I have been waiting for you to come back.”

The chorus expresses the singer’s emotions of longing and hope for reconciliation. The lyrics are heartfelt and emotional, drawing the listener into the emotional journey of the song.

4. Verse 2:
“Keras kepala mulutmu tak ingin bicara
Keras kepala dirimu tuk tinggal di sini
Biar semua tahu.”

“Your stubborn mouth doesn’t want to speak
Your stubborn self wants to stay here
Let everyone know.”

In this verse, the singer laments the lack of communication in the relationship and the the stubbornness of their partner. The lyrics convey a sense of frustration and resignation in the face of difficult circumstances.

5. Bridge:
“Mengapa kulihat dalam diam
Hatimu tak mengerti
Segala luka yang terpendam
Semua layak kau dapatkan.”

“Why do I see in silence
Your heart doesn’t understand
All hidden wounds
Everyone deserves what you get.”

The bridge of the song delves into the complexities of the relationship and the pain of unspoken grievances. The lyrics highlight the need for understanding and empathy in order to heal the wounds of the past.

Overall, MEISKA – KERAS KEPALA LIRIK is a powerful song that delves into the emotions and complexities of relationships. The lyrics are heartfelt and poignant, drawing the listener into the singer’s emotional journey. By understanding the meaning behind the words, you can better appreciate the depth and emotion of the song.

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4 days ago

Kisah sesungguhnya

4 days ago

Keren bgt❤❤❤

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4 days ago

Seneng banget …😊

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Dalam bangett

4 days ago

Antara bodoh dan tulus beda tipis

4 days ago

Lagu nya dalam

4 days ago

Takdir 😊

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