
MERN Nested Comment Reply & Delete: Implementing Redux Toolkit Query with Nodejs Express Backend Part-2 🔥

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MERN Nested Comment Reply & Delete Feature | Redux Toolkit Query + Nodejs Express backend Part-2

MERN Nested Comment Reply & Delete Feature | Redux Toolkit Query + Nodejs Express backend Part-2

In this article, we will continue to build the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) app with the nested comment reply & delete feature. We will also be using Redux Toolkit Query for managing the state and Node.js Express backend for handling the API calls.

Redux Toolkit Query

Redux Toolkit Query is a set of tools and utilities for managing the state of the application in a predictable and efficient manner. It provides a convenient way to fetch, cache, and update data, as well as manage the loading and error states.

Node.js Express Backend

Node.js Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. It is the backend server for our MERN app and will handle the API calls for fetching, updating, and deleting comments.

Building the Nested Comment Reply & Delete Feature

First, we need to create the nested comment reply and delete feature in our React frontend. We can use the React hooks and Redux Toolkit Query to manage the state and handle the API calls.

Next, we will implement the necessary API endpoints in our Node.js Express backend to handle the nested comment reply and delete requests. We will use Mongoose to interact with the MongoDB database and manage the comments data.


By leveraging Redux Toolkit Query and Node.js Express backend, we can easily build the nested comment reply & delete feature for our MERN app. This will provide a more interactive and engaging user experience, as well as efficient state management and API handling.