Methods for JavaScript HTML DOM Manipulation

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JavaScript HTML DOM Methods

JavaScript HTML DOM Methods

When working with JavaScript and HTML, the Document Object Model (DOM) provides a powerful set of methods for interacting with HTML elements. These methods allow developers to manipulate the content, structure, and style of web pages dynamically.

Accessing Elements

One of the most common tasks in JavaScript is accessing HTML elements. The DOM provides several methods to achieve this, including:

  • document.getElementById('id') – Retrieves an element by its id attribute.
  • document.getElementsByTagName('tag') – Retrieves a collection of elements by their tag name.
  • document.querySelector('selector') – Retrieves the first element that matches the specified CSS selector.

Manipulating Elements

Once an element has been accessed, developers can manipulate its content, attributes, and style using DOM methods such as:

  • element.innerHTML – Gets or sets the HTML content of an element.
  • element.setAttribute('name', 'value') – Sets the value of an attribute on an element.
  • = 'value' – Changes the style of an element.

Event Handling

DOM methods also allow developers to respond to user interactions with web pages by attaching event handlers to elements. Common event handling methods include:

  • element.addEventListener('event', handler) – Attaches an event handler function to an element.
  • element.removeEventListener('event', handler) – Removes an event handler function from an element.


JavaScript HTML DOM methods provide a flexible and powerful way to interact with web pages. Whether it’s accessing elements, manipulating content, or handling user events, the DOM offers a comprehensive set of methods that make it possible to create dynamic and interactive web experiences.