Mind-Blowing Creations Using JavaScript 🤯

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The Craziest Thing Built With JavaScript 🤯

The Craziest Thing Built With JavaScript 🤯

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is commonly used to create interactive and dynamic websites. However, its capabilities go far beyond just web development. In fact, JavaScript has been used to build some truly mind-blowing projects that push the limits of what is possible with code.

One of the craziest things built with JavaScript is the “Think in React” demo by Kamran Ahmed. This project showcases a fully interactive, 3D Rubik’s Cube that can be manipulated and solved entirely through the web browser using JavaScript. The level of detail and complexity in this project is truly astounding, and it serves as a testament to the versatility of JavaScript as a programming language.

Another mind-blowing example of JavaScript’s capabilities is “Ball Pool” by Mr.doob. This project uses advanced physics simulations and 3D rendering to create a virtual ball pool that reacts to user input in real time. The level of realism and interactivity achieved with JavaScript in this project is truly impressive, and it showcases the potential for creating immersive experiences using nothing but a web browser.

These are just a few examples of the incredible things that can be built with JavaScript. From 3D gaming engines to virtual reality experiences, JavaScript continues to push the boundaries of what is possible with web development and beyond.

So, the next time you think about JavaScript as just a tool for building websites, remember that it has the potential to create some truly mind-blowing and innovative projects that defy expectations and showcase the power of code.

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6 months ago

Minecraft has left the chat