Modbus Communication in Python

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Python Modbus

Python Modbus

Modbus is a communication protocol used for transmitting data between electronic devices over a serial communication line. Python Modbus is a Python library that allows users to easily interact with Modbus compatible devices.

Features of Python Modbus:

  • Support for both Modbus TCP and RTU protocols
  • Easy to use API for reading and writing data to Modbus registers
  • Support for different data types such as integers, floats, and strings
  • Support for Modbus function codes

Example Usage of Python Modbus:

import minimalmodbus

# Connect to Modbus device
instrument = minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1)

# Read temperature from Modbus register
temperature = instrument.read_register(0, functioncode=4)

print("Temperature:", temperature)

In the example above, we import the minimalmodbus library and connect to a Modbus device using the specified port and address. We then read the temperature data from a specific Modbus register using the read_register function and print the result.


Python Modbus is a powerful tool for communicating with Modbus compatible devices using Python. Its easy-to-use API and support for different data types make it a useful library for developers working with Modbus communication protocols.

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28 days ago

Hi @APM,

Your tutorials are amazing! 🙌

I've set up a Modbus TCP server in Python following your guidance. Now, I'm trying to make the register data dynamic, updating them based on real-time variables in Python.

please provide solution achieve this?

Thanks a bunch!

28 days ago

Hi. Is it possible for pymodbus package to retrieve the data from Modbus TCP/IP driver from Kepware KepServerEX? If yes, how do I get the actual values of a tag? Like in your previous videos on OPC UA Client, you were using the nodeid? Thanks.

28 days ago

The modbus server script you have had create is for a serial modbus server right? what changes i can do to create a ethernet modbus server?

28 days ago

exactly what i'm looking for

28 days ago

Are legacy restrictions on the address space still used in real life? It seemed to me that in the modbas specification this was indicated as outdated back in 1996.

28 days ago

hello, it is possible to read/write negatives values from the input and holding register with pymodbus?

28 days ago

I want to control a VFD from the computer. Can you give me some ideas? Like how I should proceed, what all would I be needing, etc. Any guidance will be really helpful. Thanks.

28 days ago

Could we just scrap MODBUS and work with sensors conected via LOAR, 5G, WIfi , etc directly from a Linux such as Ubuntu core 22?

28 days ago

How do you setup the Client if I'm getting modbus messages via the serial port? (i.e. USB port COM1)

28 days ago

I am planning to trigger activity (image acquisition) on a slave computer using a signal from another master computer. (Not sure if master/slave are acceptable terms these days – apologies if not.) I will also be transferring strings. A preliminary trial shows that using IP (Internet Protocol) and an ethernet cable connecting the two computers works reliably. Seeing this video, I am now wondering if I should be considering Modbus as an alternative. If I want the lowest latency, should I stick with 'simple' IP? I suspect the answer is try both and measure, but if one is known to be significantly faster than the other maybe I don't need to.

28 days ago

What are coils? Does the name come from a very specific initial use for modbus?

28 days ago

This was very informative, thank you. I'm about to start working with some motor drivers that use modbus so it's timely as an overview.

28 days ago

Would love to see videos on Python application for other Industrial comms like Profinet, EGD 👍