Modernizing Your Angular App with NgRx Featuring Marko Stanimirovic | JS Drops

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Refactoring an Angular App to Modern NgRx with Marko Stanimirovic | JS Drops

Are you looking to refactor your Angular app to use modern NgRx techniques? Marko Stanimirovic has the expertise to guide you through this process. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using NgRx and how to refactor your app with Marko’s guidance.

Why Use NgRx?

NgRx is a state management library for Angular applications. It provides a predictable state container for managing the state of your application, and it allows you to manage data flow in your app more easily. By using NgRx, you can achieve a more maintainable and scalable codebase.

Refactoring Your App with Marko Stanimirovic

Marko Stanimirovic is an expert in Angular and NgRx, and he has helped numerous developers refactor their apps to use modern NgRx techniques. With his guidance, you can refactor your app to use NgRx in a way that is efficient and sustainable.

Marko will work with you to understand your app’s architecture and to identify the areas that can benefit from using NgRx. He will help you to refactor your codebase, ensuring that your app’s state management is more unified and easier to work with.

Marko’s approach to refactoring with NgRx is methodical and thorough. He will ensure that your app’s state management is optimized for performance and maintainability, and he will provide you with the knowledge and tools to continue using NgRx effectively in your app going forward.


Refactoring your Angular app to use modern NgRx techniques with Marko Stanimirovic is a smart investment in the future of your application. By working with Marko, you can ensure that your app’s state management is more streamlined and efficient, and you can position your app for continued success and scalability.

If you are interested in refactoring your app with Marko, don’t hesitate to reach out and start the conversation. With Marko’s expertise, you can take your app to the next level with modern NgRx techniques.

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7 months ago

Who actually codes an app like this?

Andreas Dorner
7 months ago

should be 4k, hard to see

7 months ago

It would be good to add functional effect as a configuration to provideEffect fn, so codebases that leverage only functional effects, wouldn't have to add the necessary metadata to every effect.

Xucong Zhan
7 months ago

Good stuff and nice presentation.
(The flickering cursor is very annoying though…

Gonzalo Corchon
7 months ago

Thank you for the tutorial. I'm not sure whether is better functional style or class style for effects. In case you have lots of effects you will have to repeat your DI in every function, I don't think it brings much clarity to the code.

Bryan Luu
7 months ago

Powerful stuff. Would've been nice if he did a component store demo as well.

Lars Rye Jeppesen
7 months ago

Love love love signals,inject and ngrx