
Module Federation: Creating Micro Frontends with Webpack

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Module Federation is a concept that has gained traction in recent years as the need for scalable and flexible front-end architecture has grown. With the rise of microfrontends and the increasing complexity of modern web applications, Module Federation has become an essential tool for developers looking to create modular, scalable, and maintainable front-end applications.

Module Federation allows developers to create microfrontends by using Webpack, a popular module bundler for JavaScript applications. With Module Federation, developers can build and deploy independent modules or microfrontends that can be dynamically loaded and executed at runtime. This enables teams to build and deploy individual features or modules independently, without having to redeploy the entire application.

One of the key benefits of Module Federation is its ability to improve the modularity and maintainability of front-end applications. By breaking down the application into smaller, more granular components, developers can easily manage and maintain their codebase. This also allows teams to work on different parts of the application independently, without having to coordinate with other teams or disrupt the entire codebase.

In addition to improving modularity and maintainability, Module Federation also brings significant performance benefits to front-end applications. By dynamically loading modules at runtime, developers can reduce initial load times and improve overall application performance. This is particularly important for larger applications that may have a large number of modules or features.

Another advantage of Module Federation is its ability to facilitate collaboration and code sharing across teams. With Module Federation, teams can develop and deploy independent modules that can be easily shared and reused across different applications. This can significantly improve productivity and help teams to avoid duplicating efforts or reinventing the wheel.

Overall, Module Federation is a powerful tool for building modular, scalable, and maintainable front-end applications. By using Webpack and Module Federation, developers can create microfrontends that offer improved modularity, performance, and code sharing capabilities. As the complexity of front-end applications continues to grow, Module Federation is becoming an essential tool for modern web development.

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sans peur
7 months ago


Александр Малыхин
7 months ago

А разве не важно подключать app1 в container с помощью react.lazy?

Виктор Велькин
7 months ago

что за переключение между приложениями используется? Это сторонний стофт?

airpods club
7 months ago

классный видос, спасибо

7 months ago

Минус, нужен постоянно рабочий сервер

Михаил Олейник
7 months ago

Спасибо, очень полезное видео.

Danila Pisarev
7 months ago

Большое спасибо! Очень полезный материал

Aldar Bazarov
7 months ago

Спасибо, полезное видео!
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