Mohammed El-Kurd discusses ‘Mournable Victims’ and the situation in Gaza

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Mohammed El-Kurd is a Palestinian writer and poet who has gained international recognition for his work in shedding light on the plight of the Palestinian people, particularly those in Gaza. One of the most powerful and poignant pieces El-Kurd has written is titled “Mournable Victims.”

In this piece, El-Kurd challenges the dehumanizing narrative that surrounds the victims of violence in Gaza. He addresses the double standard that exists in the way the world mourns certain victims while ignoring or justifying the deaths of others. El-Kurd speaks out against the selective empathy that is often displayed in mainstream media and political discourse, where the lives of Palestinians are all too often dismissed as collateral damage in the ongoing conflict.

The concept of “mournable victims” refers to the idea that some lives are deemed more worthy of mourning and remembrance, while others are erased and forgotten. In the context of the Palestinian struggle, this concept is alarmingly prevalent, with the lives of Palestinians often being devalued and disregarded by the international community. As El-Kurd eloquently puts it, “When Palestinians fall, they rot into numbers, into collateral damage, into humanitarian crises, into bloody receipts.”

El-Kurd’s words serve as a powerful reminder of the human cost of the Israeli occupation and the ongoing cycle of violence in Gaza. He challenges readers to confront their own biases and prejudices, and to recognize the inherent humanity and dignity of every Palestinian life. Through his writing, El-Kurd demands that the world no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Palestinian people, and that their lives be treated with the same value and respect as any other.

In the wake of the recent escalation of violence in Gaza, El-Kurd’s message is more important than ever. The death toll continues to rise, and the suffering of the people of Gaza is unimaginable. It is crucial that we listen to voices like El-Kurd’s and amplify their message, as they provide an essential perspective that is often silenced and ignored.

As we mourn the victims of this latest round of violence, let us remember El-Kurd’s call for empathy, understanding, and justice. Let us push back against the dehumanization of Palestinian lives, and demand an end to the cycle of violence and oppression. The people of Gaza deserve to be seen, heard, and valued, and it is up to all of us to ensure that their voices are not silenced.

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6 months ago

Beautiful, poetic words honouring Refaat. 💗

6 months ago

I will hang on to the belief, every accusation from Israel is their confession. The story of the baby baked in the oven is such a confession, that is why they accused Hamas of doing it.

6 months ago

Mohammed and Mona El-Kurd ❤

6 months ago

God only exists in the imagination of human beings, we invented some imaginary paternal figure that is supposed to take care of us. The reality is much more beautiful, human beings have the capacity to love and take care of eacb other as a highly evolved and intelligent species, we also have the capacity to self destruct and destroy. Where we channel our capacities is up to us, we decide our own fate! Love you Mohamed! Long live Palestine and Palestinian resistance!

6 months ago

Now we know who the big funders of UCL are, just as we learnt about Harvard.

6 months ago

Lieber Gazza Volk Allah sieht🎉 wir im Unrecht ist Benjamin nethanyu🕋🕋🔐📜😹🤬🤬hat ❤️ alles geklaut vom 🔥 armen bis Kinder Zimmer 🕋🎂 bombadierte👋

6 months ago

How can someone call these people terrorists? Every Palestinian I've listened to are very well spoken and very kind . They still smile and joke with all the things happening on their land. I am amazed by their faith and by their courage.

6 months ago

So he lost faith in God? That’s very disheartening to hear. May Allah guide him. He didn’t go through worse than what’s the people of Gaza are going to right now and they still hold on to their faith in Allah and knows that Allah is sufficient for them.

Yes, what they are going to is horrific and indescribable. We can’t even imagine but we should NEVER lose faith in Allah.
This live is temporary and a test for us.
Allah says He will test us. Do we think paradise is easy achievement? No. Paradise is surrounded by hardship. And entering is the ultimate success. Death isn’t the end for us. It’s the beginning.

May Allah accept those who have been killed by those Zionist as martyrs. And dying as martyrs is one of the best form of death for Muslim. They are the successful ones. They will forget everything that happened to them on this earth.

Anyone who loses faith in Allah are the absolute losers! Because you failed the test of life and proven that you aren’t a true believer and not worthy of paradise.

May Allah guide him to reflect on the Quran and the sunnah of our prophet (peace be upon him)

Only with the remembrance of Allah do heart find ease/rest.

6 months ago

Ucl is probably shocked but want to be silent.

6 months ago

Mohammad El-kurd, always an astounding and eloquent speaker. May you and your family in Falasteen be safe and witness justice done in their lifetime

6 months ago

Biggest respect to this brother always fought for Palestine 🇵🇸 always tried to expose their lies he only speaks the truth. Now the whole world knows the truth Isreal exposed themselves in the end how evil they are does not shock me.

6 months ago

'If I must die, you must live to tell my story' — Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer wrote this poem and posted it on social media on November 1, 2023, and Killed by an Israeli missile on Nov. 7th 2023

6 months ago

The Israelis only want Lebensraum (living space) while they genocide the Gazans!

6 months ago

Free people must have the courage to find within themselves the answer to who is mournable. It was always so.

6 months ago

Beautiful speech 🇯🇴❤

6 months ago

God bless you and your family,like all palestinians.❤❤❤❤❤❤

6 months ago

Free Free Palestine🇪🇭🇪🇭🇪🇭🇪🇭🇪🇭

6 months ago

May Allah (SWT) Bless this young man he was always well spoken and got the word across to a Western Audience, May Allah (SWT) bless the Brave and Honourable Palestinian People, they have shown the true meaning of Iman (Faith) for all Muslims

6 months ago

"Two steps
Look in the mirror
The horror, the horror
The butt of your M-16 on my cheekbone
The yellow patch it left
The bullet shaped scar expanding like a swastika
Snaking across my face
The heartache flowing out of my eyes
dripping out of my mouth
out of my nostrils
piercing my ears
flooding the place
like it did to you
70 years ago or so
I am just you
I am your past
haunting your present and your future
I strive like you did
I fight like you did
I resist like you resisted
And for a moment
I'd take your tenacity as a model
were you not holding the barrel of the gun between my two bleeding eyes.
One, two
The very same gun
The very same bullet
that had killed your mom
and killed your dad
is being used against me by you
Mark this bullet and mark it in your gun
If you sniff it, it has your and my blood.
It has my present and your past
It has my present
It has your future
That is why we are twins
Same life track
Same weapon
Same suffering
Same facial expressions
drawn on the face of the killer
Same everything
Except that in your case
The victim has evolved backward into a victimizer
I tell you
I am you
Exept that I am not "you" of now
I do not hate you
I want to help you stop hating and killing me
I tell you
The noise of your machine gun renders you deaf
The smell of the powder beat that of my blood
The sparks disfigure my facial expressions
Would you stop shooting for a moment?!!
Would you?!!
All you have to do is close your eyes
Seeing these days blinds our hearts.
So, close your eyes tightly
that you can see in your mind's eye
Then look into the mirror
One, two
I am you
I am your past
And killing me, you kill you"

Refaat Alareer
A Palestinian professor and poet. Killed by Israeli army in Gazza, 7 December 2023

6 months ago

Thank you for telling the truth 😢we all are Palestinians now, free free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸