Movie Review Project using React.js

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React js Movies Review Project

React JS Movies Review Project

About the Project

The React js Movies Review project is a web application built using React JS, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The project allows users to browse and review movies, as well as add their own reviews and ratings.


  • Search for movies by title
  • View movie details and reviews
  • Add/edit/delete reviews and ratings
  • Responsive design for mobile and desktop

Technologies Used

The project utilizes React JS for the front-end, along with CSS for styling and Firebase for database storage. The application is hosted on a server using Netlify for easy access.


The React js Movies Review project is a great example of a modern web application built using React JS. It showcases the power and flexibility of this library for creating interactive and engaging user experiences. Users can easily browse and review movies, making it a fun and interactive platform for movie enthusiasts.

© 2021 React Movies Review Project. All rights reserved.

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2 months ago

bhai iska source code milega?