“NATO Has Three Years to Ready for Potential Russian Attack” | The Latest on Ukraine | Podcast

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In the latest episode of the Ukraine: The Latest podcast, experts have warned that NATO has just three years to prepare for a potential Russian attack. The situation in Ukraine has been tense for several years, with the ongoing conflict between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists in the eastern part of the country. The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 has only added to the growing concerns about Russian aggression in the region.

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a military alliance that was created in 1949 to counter the threat of Soviet expansion in Europe. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has expanded its reach and taken on new challenges, including the fight against terrorism and the defense of member countries against potential aggression.

The recent warning about a potential Russian attack comes as tensions between Russia and the West continue to escalate. The United States and its allies have imposed numerous economic and diplomatic sanctions on Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine and its support for the Syrian government. In addition, NATO has been increasing its military presence in Eastern Europe in an effort to deter any potential Russian aggression.

However, experts believe that NATO needs to do more to prepare for a potential attack from Russia. In the podcast, they argue that the alliance must strengthen its forces in Eastern Europe, improve its military capabilities, and bolster its ability to respond quickly to any potential threat. They also stress the importance of building strong relationships with countries in the region, such as Ukraine, to ensure that they are able to resist any potential Russian aggression.

The experts on the podcast also emphasize the need for NATO to engage in diplomacy with Russia to try to de-escalate tensions and prevent a potential conflict. They argue that while it is important for NATO to be prepared for any potential threat, it is also crucial to seek avenues for peaceful resolution of the current crisis in Ukraine.

Overall, the podcast highlights the growing concerns about the potential for a Russian attack on Ukraine and the need for NATO to take action to prepare for this possibility. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing tensions in the region and the need for continued vigilance and diplomatic efforts to ensure peace and stability in Eastern Europe.

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9 months ago

The utter absurdity of our ultra biased media. "Russian casualties" are at 90%?? Er, Ukrainian casualties are about 10%. Journalism is a complete total farce,,.

9 months ago

The whole of woke whiny NATO are unable to defeat mighty nationalist Russia. Wonderful..,

9 months ago

Orban is great patriot, he knows how to take care of his own people. The EU is a diversity cesspit, dreaming of a coffee coloured world, where native Europeans can no longer recognise their own country.,,

9 months ago

I can't believe that European leaders are paralyzed and full of fear in the face of the constant threat from a single country. Enough of cowards… Europe needs strong and competent leaders to defend and fight for their own home.

9 months ago

Ukraine hitched their wagon to the wrong horse

9 months ago

History always seems to repeat itself.
NATO is trying to get bigger and bigger, and they are thinking of adding Asian countries. Rome also tried that.

In WW2 Germany tried to beat Stalin, but after losing more than 20 million people the Soviets made it into Berlin first. The same thing will happen to NATO in Ukraine.
Russia will lever "Run outa shells" as Joe Biden stated.

9 months ago

3 years…the Ukraine frontline is collapsing right now. The Russians are on the offensive and they just to took 2 more towns!

9 months ago

Doesn't anyone in the UK understand that an attack on Russia ends with a nuclear bomb dropped on England? But I think that is exactly with these globalists want – less people.

9 months ago

What a load of rubbish. Was this podcast sponsored by western arms manufacturers? If anything what the Telegraph is trying to say is that NATO has 3 to prepare to attack Russia.

9 months ago

As British and American people are colonized and rapidly replaced by people of color, their rulers have given their patriots in the defense and intelligence communities a foolish and utterly useless war to worry themselves with: Ukraine. This serves to distract them from saving their own races.

9 months ago

The combined economies of the NATO countries are 31 times that of Russia's. We've got this folks, easily.

9 months ago

A Russian attack? With what? At the rate they're going, they'll be totally bereft of armor in 2 years. They can't handle Ukraine, Poland has the air power and combined arms forces to whup Russia, and the rest of NATO backing them up to add emphasis.

9 months ago

Helplessness is a choice made by NATO/EU/USA

If alliance that has 8 times the population and 20 times the GDP of Russia cannot protect itself from Russia, who is at fault?

9 months ago

I think it’s delusional to think Ukraine can win this ,stop the war and save lives.

9 months ago

NATO has one year to support Ukraine to the point it defeats Russia. Then NATO will have five years to prepare for the next attack.

9 months ago

Ukraine now sending women and teens as all the men have been deleted already 😂

9 months ago

Attack with what? What a stupid title and I am assuming the rhetoric is as stupid as well. Why bother wasting an hour of my day to hear crap.

9 months ago

Trump will dissolve NATO 😂

9 months ago

3 years is longer than NATOs life expectancy. this dinosaur is defunct and represents nothing but defunct bankers.

9 months ago

Fact : Ukraine was violation human rights in Donbass for years and the US/NATO broke they given promise form J. Baker "No inch NATO expansion against Russian border" and the Minsk agreement was to save time to weaponize Ukraine against Russia and Russian ethnics in the east. So, who was provoking ? Russia has no plan to attack Poland, Baltics or any former Warshaw Pact country as they won't attack other European countries anyway. This phantasy/narrative/lies only grow in the heads of some "Cold War Zombies" in US and Europe.