Netanyahu: Hamas is entering the final stages

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has issued a bold statement, asserting that the militant group Hamas is at the “beginning of the end.” This declaration comes after days of escalating violence between Israel and Hamas, which has resulted in numerous casualties and widespread destruction.

Netanyahu’s comments were made during a visit to the Israeli military’s headquarters in Tel Aviv, where he praised the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) for their efforts in combating the Hamas threat. He emphasized that Israel’s military operations have severely weakened Hamas and reiterated that the militant group is now on the verge of collapse.

The recent violence erupted after weeks of tension in East Jerusalem, where Israeli police clashed with Palestinian protesters in a dispute over the potential eviction of Palestinian families from their homes. This ultimately led to a barrage of rocket attacks from Hamas in Gaza, prompting Israel to respond with airstrikes targeting Hamas facilities and leaders.

The situation has since escalated into a full-blown conflict, with both sides suffering heavy casualties and significant damage to infrastructure. The international community has been calling for an immediate ceasefire in an effort to de-escalate the violence and prevent further bloodshed.

Netanyahu’s assertion that Hamas is at the “beginning of the end” reflects Israel’s determination to eliminate the threat posed by the militant group. With the support of the United States and other allies, Israel has continued to carry out airstrikes on Hamas targets, while also facing condemnation from some international leaders and human rights organizations for the high civilian toll resulting from the conflict.

While Netanyahu’s declaration may be viewed as a strategic attempt to bolster morale within Israel and further isolate Hamas on the world stage, it also serves as a reminder of the complexities and deep-seated animosities that underlie the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The latest round of violence has once again highlighted the urgent need for a long-term resolution to the conflict, along with the importance of addressing the underlying political, social, and humanitarian issues that continue to fuel the cycle of violence.

As the conflict rages on, the toll on civilian lives and infrastructure continues to mount, with the prospect of a swift resolution appearing increasingly unlikely. It remains to be seen whether Netanyahu’s proclamation about the “beginning of the end” for Hamas will hold true, or if it is simply a rhetorical flourish in the midst of a deeply entrenched and protracted conflict. Regardless, the urgent need for a lasting peace and a just resolution for both Israelis and Palestinians is undeniably clear.

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6 months ago

Hey you setanyahu your face like human 🤣🤣🤣

6 months ago

It's a shame that TelAviv, which has been/was arranged beautifully and magnificently, is now almost destroyed, there are no tourists anymore, how long will it take for it to be a big loss…

6 months ago

Hamas,you will never break HaShems people.Your actions are not YHVH'S will.Give up and you will be treated humaely.

6 months ago

Our enemies called us terrorists … People who were neither our friends nor our enemies … also used this Latin name … And yet, we were not terrorists … The historical and linguistic origins of the political term "terror" prove that it cannot be applied to a revolutionary war ofliberation … Fighters for freedom must arm; otherwise they would be crushed overnight … What has a struggle for the dignity of man, against oppression and subjugation, to do with "terrorism"?

One would automatically attribute this to an Islamic terrorist group and condemn it. However, the author of these words is none other than Menachem Begin in the years when the Haganah was fighting the British forces in Palestine. It is interesting to note how, in those years of the Jewish struggle against the British military in Palestine, the very term "terrorist" had a positive connotation.

Here's another mental experiment: imagine reading in contemporary newspapers an open letter headed "Letter to the Terrorists of Palestine," containing these sentences: My Brave Friends. You may not believe what I write you, for there is a lot of fertilizer in the air at the moment. But on my word as an old reporter, what I write is true. The Palestinians of America are for you. You are their champions. You are the grin they wear. You are the feather in their hats. You are the first answer that makes sense-to the New World. Every time you blow up an Israeli arsenal, or wreck an Israeli jail, or send an Israeli railroad sky high, or rob an Israeli bank, or let go with your guns and bombs at the Israeli betrayers and invaders of your homeland, the Palestinians of America make a little holiday in their hearts. A very similar open letter was indeed published in the late 1940s in American newspapers. It was written by none other than Ben Hecht, the celebrated Hollywood scriptwriter. All I have done is to replace the word "Jews" with "Palestinians" and "British" with "Israeli."10 It is almost attractive to see the first-generation Israeli leaders openly confessing the fact that their claims to the land of Palestine cannot be grounded in universal justice, that we are dealing with a simple war of conquest between two groups between whom no mediation is possible.

page 119-120

6 months ago

Netanyah must do what he is called for and ignore all the noise. Only one counts!

6 months ago

Thank you Israel.

6 months ago

Maybe those poor balestinians should have chosen and supported a government dedicated to their own wellbeing not one dedicated to the destruction of their neighbors…. So maybe the next generation will learn something actually useful out of this, until then i got no sympathy left for them.

6 months ago

ISRAEL'S days are numbered. It doesn't take a ROCKET SCIENTIST to know ISRAEL' S days are numbered. Elon Musk is a ROCKET SCIENTIST who shined the light in ISRAEL.

6 months ago

Why won’t hamas surrender in gaza

6 months ago


6 months ago

Revolutionaries in Iran take note, evil regimes can be defeated. End times prophecy says God will destroy the enemy of Israel, who would think Allah would do so by destroying the enemy of Islam as well. May the Peace and blessing of the prophet be upon you as you cleanse Islam of heresy.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Free palestine 🇵🇸

6 months ago

I never see a pure evil and seeing horrific genocide did by a man like Netanyahu before.

6 months ago

So delusional Benjamina

6 months ago


6 months ago

Netanyahu a fanatic

6 months ago


6 months ago

You mean its the beginning of the end of stanyahu’s career

6 months ago

Nyahu…you will crying, pleasa cry..🤣🤣🤣 you will feel what you have done before 7 okt.