
New for 2021 – Full Course on Building a Full Stack Application with Angular and Spring Boot

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Spring Boot Full Stack with Angular | Full Course [2021] [NEW]

If you are interested in developing a full-stack web application using Spring Boot and Angular, you have come to the right place. This article will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the course that covers all the essential concepts and technologies required to build a robust and efficient application.

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is a framework that simplifies the process of building Java-based web applications. It integrates easily with various libraries and frameworks, allowing developers to focus on writing business logic instead of spending time configuring the application. With Spring Boot, developers can create stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications with minimal effort.

What is Angular?

Angular is a popular front-end framework used for building dynamic and responsive web applications. It is based on TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript, and provides a powerful set of tools and features for developing complex single-page applications.

Course Overview:

This course covers a wide range of topics related to Spring Boot and Angular development. Some of the key topics covered include:

  • Setting up the development environment
  • Creating a Spring Boot RESTful API
  • Implementing CRUD operations
  • Handling database operations using Spring Data JPA
  • Implementing authentication and authorization
  • Building a frontend application using Angular
  • Creating responsive web pages with Angular Material
  • Consuming RESTful APIs from Angular
  • Deploying the application to a production server

Why Take This Course?

This course is designed for beginners and intermediate developers who want to learn how to develop full-stack web applications using Spring Boot and Angular. Whether you are new to web development or have some experience, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to build real-world applications.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of Spring Boot and Angular development. You will be able to create a fully functional web application from scratch, implement various features, and deploy it to a production server.

So, if you want to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and enhance your skills, enroll in the Spring Boot Full Stack with Angular course today and start your journey towards becoming a proficient full-stack developer.

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Mohammed Islam
8 months ago

I don't know why I have this issues , the job_title and the image_url doesn't show up in angular

Zhang Zhang
8 months ago

Who know how i can import Javax.persistence?

das asda
8 months ago

24:54 i got a error messsge when i try to run it
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/orm/jpa/HibernateJpaConfiguration.class]: Unknown access type record

I trief for over 10h but it's not running😢

8 months ago

Bro, where is he unsubscribing, why document.getElementById when Angular has ViewChild and ViewChildren?

ayoub elhioui
8 months ago

i really appreciate your efforts, thank you so much, just one question, in the Employee controller,why you didn't check(catch the exception) if the employee is not exist, cause you already throw an exception in the service, thank you so much.

Chapathsack Yamleemulsin
8 months ago

Good explanation and thank you for your sharing. You are wonderful man.

Carolina Carneiro
8 months ago

This content is just amazing. I have no words for how much this will save me in my job and in my future. Thank you so much.

Magd El Zalameh
8 months ago

public onAddEmployee(addForm: NgForm): void{



(response: Employee[]) =>{




(error: HttpErrorResponse) =>{




} im having a problem with this method

Rick Hunter
8 months ago


word 2021
8 months ago

Method delete didn't work

Mugenzi Déodate
8 months ago

Can you help us, by teaching how to fetch multiple data tables (3 tables) Postgres from Database? Kindly help couse I'm stuck how to joing these tables and display on front end in single table.

Osama Moin Chawla
8 months ago

have you integrated the Spring Security? OR Authentication?

8 months ago

I cant use null as a value for onOpenModal(null, ‘add‘). I dont have any Typescript experience. I dont know what to do… Need help please! <3

Yogi Setiawan
8 months ago

may I ask sir? i got a problem every time i click add, edit, or delete it doesn't work or shows form i already looked at your code, and our code is almost the same just needs a few changes but I got spring boot 2.7 and Angular 18 i thought onopenModal doesn't work with the newest version of angular. I wonder what the problem is, btw I'm learning front end with angular a few days ago. anyone who can help me? thank you

Mohammed Sufiyan
8 months ago

I was searching full stack web development with java from over 5 months and here I got it!. Thanks Nelson

8 months ago

This was a great series and I managed to get everything working but I am confused about this. . .

How do you give a project like this to someone externally – not on our localhost (for a client – end user etc.,)?
How do we package it?

Will they need MySQL installed on their machine? If so then does the application package contain installers for MySQL or something?

Sorry for newbie questions but I don't understand how we provide this service to someone?

Ka Steven
8 months ago

at 51m i had a problem , my error is " Error creating bean with name 'employeeResource' defined in file " how i have to fix that?

Beatriz Gomes
8 months ago

I'm facing an error when use (click)="onOpenModal(null, …)". It says "Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Employee'".

In component.ts all instances got an ! after the name, e.g "public employees!: Employee[]".

Btw, thank u for sharing

Al Grant
8 months ago

Why do you do the angular and front end in VS instead of intellij?

David Z
8 months ago

The correct order:
1:03:33 CREATING Angular APP

1:14:02 Angular Service PT2 (actually, this is first)

1:09:22 Angular Service (actually, this is second)