New respiratory illness emerges in Netherlands, with Chinese children being hit particularly hard

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A mysterious respiratory illness is now hitting kids in the Netherlands, with reports of children experiencing symptoms such as coughing, fever, and difficulty breathing. The illness, which has yet to be officially diagnosed or named, is causing concern among parents and healthcare professionals alike.

What is even more troubling is that this mystery illness seems to be hitting Chinese kids even harder. According to reports from China, there has been a surge in cases of children being admitted to hospitals with severe respiratory symptoms. Some children have even required intensive care and mechanical ventilation to help them breathe.

The similarity in symptoms between the cases in the Netherlands and those in China has raised concerns about whether the two outbreaks are connected. However, health experts are still working to determine the exact cause of the illness and any potential links between the two outbreaks.

It is clear that this mystery respiratory illness is a cause for alarm, especially as it appears to be disproportionately affecting children. The fact that it is hitting Chinese kids harder adds another layer of complexity to the situation, raising questions about whether there are regional factors at play.

In the meantime, healthcare professionals in both countries are urging parents to be vigilant about monitoring their children for any symptoms of respiratory illness. They advise seeking medical attention promptly if a child develops symptoms such as persistent cough, difficulty breathing, or fever.

The situation is a reminder of the ongoing challenge of infectious diseases, and the need for continued vigilance and preparedness. As the global community grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence of another mystery illness targeting children is a sobering reminder of the ever-present threat of new infectious diseases.

Whether the mystery respiratory illness hitting kids in the Netherlands and China is an isolated event or part of a larger trend remains to be seen. But what is clear is that swift and coordinated efforts will be necessary to understand and address this new health threat. In the meantime, parents and healthcare professionals must remain vigilant and proactive in response to this concerning development.

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6 months ago

Where the hell is Fauci? Get him to China quick and fix the mess he started and funded.

6 months ago

I really hope 2024 won’t be the sequel to 2020. This is a big deal for me, because everything from the COVID Pandemic traumatized me. I don’t want this again. For the love of god. 😫😰

6 months ago

Poor Netherlands children 😢.

6 months ago

Well seems like fauci is hard at work at the Wuhan laboratory could it be a possible bio weapons leak or is this new pathogen funded by bill and Melinda gate’s foundation we’ll just have to wait and see folks

6 months ago


6 months ago

December end and new year is near, now people will travel everywhere and this might spread like wildfire 😢

6 months ago

Those comments are from cattles

6 months ago

Israel again and innocent China getting blame are you all brainwashed

6 months ago

The WHO is corrupt beyond anything I have seen! Same WHO whose actions covered up for China when they knew it was a serious pandemic

6 months ago

China will find it difficult to develop gene specific bio-weapon against the Philippines that will not backfire on them heavily 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

6 months ago

Thanks Lord for your peace
Thanks Lord for your salvation
Psalm 91 no vax 🤟

6 months ago

We got Migrants coming over the border from China do they have it ?

6 months ago

Sheeples not seeing NWO

6 months ago

Oh my 🙏

6 months ago

It's a shame that the world allowed China to rollout fresh pandemic and didn't take any solid actions 😢

6 months ago

WHO already knew this was coming. WHO predicted this year that a Disease X could cause more lethal pandemic. And there are chances that this new virus is the Disease X WHO was talking about

6 months ago

Marketing department for medicines, vaccines etc.

6 months ago

Close the borders to strictly Chinese tourist, simple. But world governments are orchestrating these pandemics to happen

6 months ago

Is this virus will cause another global pandemic ?? 🥺

6 months ago

Time for elections n US. Biden needs a new reason to have mail n ballots for another round of BS