
New Updates: Next.js 13 with Tailwind, Prisma, Next-Auth, and PostgreSQL Integration

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Next.js 13, Tailwind, Prisma, Next-Auth, and PostgreSQL

Next.js 13, Tailwind, Prisma, Next-Auth, and PostgreSQL

Next.js 13 is the latest version of the popular React framework that brings with it a host of new features and improvements. Coupled with Tailwind for design, Prisma for database management, Next-Auth for authentication, and PostgreSQL as the database, developers have a powerful stack for building modern web applications.

Next.js 13

Next.js 13 introduces built-in support for TypeScript, faster page loads with improved static optimization, and automatic font optimization. It also comes with improved Next.js image component, internationalized routing, and improved developer experience with better error messaging and debugging tools.


Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework that allows developers to build custom designs without ever leaving their HTML. With its intuitive class-based approach and extensive customization options, Tailwind makes it easy to create beautiful and responsive user interfaces.


Prisma is an open-source database toolkit that provides a type-safe and auto-generated query builder for TypeScript and Node.js. It allows developers to easily write database queries using a fluent API and generates type-safe client libraries for accessing the database, ensuring type safety and reducing the risk of runtime errors.


Next-Auth is a complete authentication provider for Next.js applications. It supports multiple authentication providers such as email/password, social logins, and JWT tokens, and provides a seamless user authentication experience with built-in support for sessions, JSON Web Tokens, and CSRF protection.


PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source relational database system that provides advanced features such as support for JSON and other unstructured data types, synchronous and asynchronous replication, and a robust set of indexing options. It is a popular choice for building scalable and secure web applications.

By combining Next.js 13, Tailwind, Prisma, Next-Auth, and PostgreSQL, developers have a comprehensive and modern stack for building web applications with a focus on performance, scalability, and user experience.

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Yan Dev
7 months ago

Que comteudo maravilhoso ❤

Carlos Eduardo
7 months ago

essa conexão com BD dá pra fazer com page directory no next13?

Delivery Mais Sistemas de Entregas
7 months ago

45 minutos pra criar o projeto, conteúdo br eh sofrido de acompanhar! Mds.

7 months ago

Tem como explicar como usar o prisma com o Mongo DB?

marcelo h
7 months ago

author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id]), fiz todas as alterações e isso continua dando erro

Aurelio Castro
7 months ago

Conteúdo top irmão.
Deixa o link do repo Mano !!🥺

Thomas Soares
7 months ago

O código está no Github ?

Arthur Kids
7 months ago

professor tenho uma duvida, é possivel fazer o backend ou seja fazer as rotas para o client consumir no proprio next? colocando na pasta api?

7 months ago

Caraca, mano. Teu canal é sensacional demais. Parabéns pela didática excelente.

Cintia Costa
7 months ago

Muito bom!
Será que você poderia disponibilizar esse código pra gente?

David Goulart
7 months ago

Maravilhoso!! Didadica incrível, tá de parabéns! Me deixou confortável aprendendo Next

Saullo Almeida
7 months ago

Gostei do conteúdo! Só a titulo de conhecimento, nova versão do create next app, na canary já é possível optar por instalar o tailwind de forma automática =D

7 months ago

Top, gostei da didática e de como desenvolver lendo a doc.
Ficou muito fácil de pratica e entender, junto com a doc.
Aprender com os melhores da nisso, o melhor torna outro melhores.
Projeto e código de Dev top de mercado.