
New VS Code Plugin for DEVS Unveiled by FIGMA

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FIGMA for DEVS? New VS Code Plugin?!?

Welcome to the future of web development

If you’re a web developer, you’re probably familiar with FIGMA, a popular design tool used to create web and mobile interfaces. Well, get ready because FIGMA for DEVS is here, and it comes with a new VS Code plugin that is set to revolutionize the way we build and design websites.

What is FIGMA for DEVS?

FIGMA for DEVS is a new extension for FIGMA that allows developers to export design assets directly into their code editor. This means you can seamlessly integrate your design files with your development workflow, making it easier than ever to bring your designs to life on the web.

Introducing the VS Code plugin

As if FIGMA for DEVS wasn’t exciting enough, the new VS Code plugin takes things to the next level. With this plugin, you can import design files directly into your code editor and access all the assets you need to build your website. This includes images, icons, colors, and more, all neatly organized and ready for use in your projects.

Why is this important for developers?

FIGMA for DEVS and the new VS Code plugin are important tools for web developers because they streamline the design and development process. No longer do you have to switch back and forth between your design tool and code editor, wasting time and breaking your workflow. With these new tools, you can seamlessly transition from design to development, making it faster and easier to bring your ideas to life on the web.

Get started today

If you’re a web developer who is tired of juggling design files and code, FIGMA for DEVS and the new VS Code plugin are here to make your life easier. So why wait? Start incorporating these tools into your workflow today and experience the future of web development.

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6 months ago

An a backend interface designer I loathe getting designs in Figma, it might be because designers the designers that send me stuff just don't understand columns, or designers just prefer things to be absolutely positioned. Figma seems to provide everything absolutely positioned so the code is useless – and the designs, nice as they are, mean I need to have a chat about flexibility, usually with people that again, just don't understand the range of devices they want to deploy on.
If Figma dies because of their failed acquisition, meh.

6 months ago

Completely appropriate thumbnail #doucheFace #lemmingMoron 😂

6 months ago

not nerx, just u r nerx, cepuxuax, some tech etc s k, ts just toolx, doesn tmatter, no nerdx etc nmw

6 months ago

Bro starting to look like Primeagen

6 months ago

the whole problem is that the code is translated in vanilla css that isnt preferred by many

6 months ago

I hit “like” because of the cat 🐈 please let your cat do a cameo in every video ☺️

6 months ago

You look like an incredulous Adam Scott

6 months ago

Promo>SM ❤️

6 months ago

This is a big jump for Figma, but the code isn't the best. It includes percentage line-height and preset flex items like flex-start that should be removed by the dev (and no grid options?). I like that it is making this move – too many designers and UX people have no regard for what the dev is doing, and I think it starts to steer them in a better path.

Regarding Tailwind, maybe it'll have an HTML output to support it, but I doubt that would be anytime soon.

6 months ago

love this

6 months ago

time to focus on enhancing my backend skill now

6 months ago

A good change, but not enough and is very non-professional in coding, can feel it is very professional in desgin, looking forward they will use AI to solve the coding problem.

6 months ago

Your hair hurts me.

6 months ago

I literally liked the vid after hearing your cat's purr.

6 months ago

I like how this turned into an ASMR video with the cat purrs 🙂

6 months ago

I love those fonts, surprised u kinda hate them, confused

6 months ago

if u are not a designer yes you will work 2 times

6 months ago

I'm a developer and I use Figma to create mock-ups for personal projects or to discuss about mock-up projects when I am in a team with designers.
I am actually really surprised that more than 1/3 are designers ! However, I still think Figma was for designers (at least prior to the new announcement) because to make proper mock-ups, I immerged myself in design tutorials like a junior designer would do.

When I read the news about Figma for devs, my first thought was : "Did they improve the CSS code they provide in Figma ? because half of the time, it was half garbage…"
However, I'm really delight Figma is working towards a better collaboration between designers and developers because developers also had to go through either Sketch or Figma files to create the product and the main issues were naming in design were incoherent for code bases, designers could not prototype certain parts of the design to make sure the developer understand what what require in the final version, etc…

6 months ago

for my own use: 1:06 ❤❤❤

6 months ago

It's realy interesting that I found this video, because I am a dev by profession which is also interested in design topics. So I started playing around with Figma and I had the same thought, how can I get my Figma design/prototype into his code equivalent.