New York Appeal Presents Smoking Gun Evidence of Trump’s Threats

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In a shocking turn of events, former President Donald Trump has been smacked with smoking gun evidence of his threats in a New York appeal. The evidence, which was presented in court, has raised serious concerns about Trump’s behavior and the potential legal consequences he may face.

The evidence comes from an ongoing case in which Summer Zervos, a former contestant on Trump’s reality show “The Apprentice,” has accused him of sexual assault. Zervos filed a defamation lawsuit against Trump after he publicly dismissed her allegations as lies. The case has been making headlines for years, and now, new evidence has come to light that amplifies the severity of Trump’s alleged misconduct.

During the appeal process, Zervos’ legal team presented a wealth of documents and records that shed light on Trump’s behavior towards her. One of the most shocking pieces of evidence is a recording in which Trump can be heard making threats against Zervos and her family. The recording has been described as a “smoking gun” that directly implicates Trump in his attempts to silence and intimidate his accuser.

The content of the recording has not been made public, but reports indicate that Trump’s threatening language is clear and disturbing. This evidence adds a new layer of complexity and severity to the ongoing legal battle, and it has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation.

It’s important to note that this evidence comes at a time when Trump is facing mounting legal challenges on multiple fronts. The New York Attorney General’s office is conducting a criminal investigation into the Trump Organization’s financial dealings, and there are numerous civil lawsuits pending against him. The smoking gun evidence in the Zervos case only adds to the growing list of legal troubles facing the former president.

The implications of this evidence are significant and far-reaching. If proven true, Trump’s threats against Zervos could have serious legal repercussions. His alleged attempts to intimidate and silence his accuser are deeply troubling and raise serious questions about his fitness for public office.

In the court of public opinion, this evidence further tarnishes Trump’s already troubled reputation. His conduct towards Zervos is a stark reminder of the numerous allegations of sexual harassment and assault that have been levied against him over the years. This latest development only adds fuel to the fire, and it reinforces the urgent need for accountability and justice.

As the legal battle continues to unfold, it’s clear that Trump’s troubles are far from over. The smoking gun evidence of his threats in the Zervos case is a sobering reminder of the serious allegations that have been made against him. The road ahead is fraught with uncertainty, but one thing is certain: the truth must come to light, and justice must be served.

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6 months ago

Orange Jesus better run to his russian bromance soon lol or Jail

6 months ago

That irange cry baby must see the inside of a jail.😅

6 months ago

Stop showing the same things over and over just to get yourself on the web.

6 months ago

I can't stand DeSantis, but I would rather see a commercial like this than the typical mudslinging ads politicians like to inundate us with.

6 months ago

I wonder if we put out threats against Trump will we get away with that or be arrested..

6 months ago

Remember, judges, if you give permission for Trump to attack judges and their families and anyone associated with their courts, you'll be giving permission for anyone to do it, including to you and your families and staffs.

You'll be opening up the floodgates.
Now, let's see if youtube censors this comment like they do with so many others.

6 months ago

Guys, it is nice to have complex discussions about why Trump's behavior is wrong, but all that is needed is the upholding of the Obstruction of Justice laws. These already make any communication that threatens any person involved in a court case, be they a judge, a clerk, the prosecution, the FBI, a jury member etc, a felony crime. The language describing the crime is quite broad, Trump's behavior certainly falls within it.

This is what is WRONG with the USA: the Law is no longer upheld when crimes are committed by the rich and powerful. When you see a person committing a serious crime, they are arrested. So why is Trump not arrested when he commits the crime of Obstruction of Justice? And if a person is out on bail, and he commits a crime, his bail is revoked. So why is Trump's bail not revoked?

Again, every day that this hood is out on the streets committing crime after crime after crime, is an indictment against the USA.

6 months ago

The courts need to stop treating him as a former president and start treating him as an insurrectionist…now it’s been established that this is what he is.

6 months ago

Trump was taught to be a fraud by his father. He has lived his whole life fraudulently and to him fraud is just about being a smart businessman.🎉

6 months ago

tRump thinks that he's in and episode of The Sopranos

6 months ago

can you give him anytime to talk?

6 months ago

Damn the gag order MAGA by putting Trump ASS in prison NOW!!!!! PEACE.

6 months ago

Yay !! I'd Like To Make An Announcement… Our Past Wan-Be-A-Dick-Ta-Tor. Just Passed His I'm Smarter Than U Test!!!.Not Only That!!!,He Can Now Proceed,and Level Up To Attend The World Reknown TA-RUMP-DA-DUMP GARDENS!!!

6 months ago

The sanctity of the judiciary branch should never be compromised by allowing the lawyers to act disrespectfully towards the judge in his or her own courtroom.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Stop expecting that dealing with TFG will be anything like we've ever had to deal with before. He has no morals or ethics. His only objective is to win at all cost in any way he can. Once we begin to deal with him that way and establish new precedents to dealing with individuals like him the better off we will all be. Use some common sense. THATS's what the founding fathers intended for us to do.

6 months ago

They believe trump will wins. He does have an army that is growing. He said" he had all the votes he needs"

6 months ago

The first amendment goes right out the window the second that, peoples lives are threatened and put in danger!!! You can't claim first amendment rights when you clearly are threatening and putting peoples lives in danger!!! If you threaten someones life, you get arrested, it doesn't matter if you're an ex narcissistic Authoritarian dic or not!!! 💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲

6 months ago

Everybody knows he has no HONOR OR MORALS, lock him up , enough already .

6 months ago

Somebody please, shut him up already! Stop agonizing over this. He's a criminal defendant. That trumps his first amendment rights [no pun intended]. This whole thing is an exercise in sheer frustration. He's a criminal defendant, period end of story. Who cares who he was.