Newly Unearthed 7-Year-Old Video Reveals Surprising Perspective on Ukraine/Russia Conflict

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A shocking video has recently surfaced, shedding new light on the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The video, which was captured seven years ago, has resurfaced and is causing widespread outrage and shock.

The video, which was captured by a 7-year-old boy, shows the aftermath of a missile strike in eastern Ukraine. The footage shows buildings reduced to rubble, with bystanders rushing to help the injured and search for survivors. The young boy can be heard crying as he films the devastation, pleading for help for those affected by the attack.

The video has reignited the discussion around the conflict in Ukraine, which began in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea and escalated into a full-scale war in the eastern regions of the country. The conflict has claimed over 13,000 lives and has caused widespread destruction and displacement.

The resurfacing of this video has prompted renewed calls for an end to the violence and a peaceful resolution to the conflict. It has also sparked outrage at the impact of the conflict on innocent civilians, particularly children who have been caught in the crossfire.

The video has also raised questions about the role of social media in conflicts and the power of citizen journalism. The fact that a 7-year-old boy was able to capture such harrowing footage highlights the pervasive impact of modern technology and the ability for individuals to bear witness to and document events that may otherwise go unnoticed.

The resurfacing of this video serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing human cost of the conflict in Ukraine and the urgent need for a resolution. It also serves as a call to action for the international community to redouble its efforts to broker a lasting peace in the region and to provide support for those affected by the conflict.

As the video continues to circulate online, it is clear that it has struck a chord with people around the world. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion in the face of human suffering, and a rallying cry for an end to the violence in Ukraine.

Ultimately, the resurfacing of this video serves as a wake-up call for the world to take action and to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. It is a powerful testament to the enduring impact of human resilience and the potential for hope in even the most dire of circumstances.

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6 months ago

I was watching videos on YT going back to 2012 and 2013, in regards to the Ukrainians purposely antagonizing and bullying Russian speakers in the east, when everyone else was not paying attention. Its amazing how misinformed people are and how they are so narrow minded NOT to figure this out on their own and not rely on the propaganda media for their 'news'. Sickening watching Graham rubbing his hands like an excited perv who gets off on death and profiting the military industrial complex, is really quite amazing and sickening in the same breath.

6 months ago

Wait…it took Glenn this long to see this clip? We've known this since the coup in 2014. Even if you didn't pay attention until the invasion…this stuff was all over alternative media as soon as the war began. Glenn likes to style himself as alternative media, but…wow this is bad. There's recordings of Victoria Nuland bragging about staging the coup in 2014!

Glenn, you are late to the party, but keep pulling this thread and you will see just how much we are the bad guys in Ukraine and always were. How we messed up a cease fire right after the war started. That Russia sent troops to surround Kiev not to take it over, but to show how serious he was and in the hopes that Ukraine would actually follow the Minsk Accords. But we blew up that deal and so he withdrew from Kiev and prepared for a long war of attrition (which Russia is and always was winning).

6 months ago

America and Israel are the evil bad people now just how Nazi Germany was. The world is against them

6 months ago

As a Russian speaking Ukrainian living in California…you guys are repeating Russian propaganda. So disappointed in Republicans

6 months ago

It has nothing to do with NATO!! FINLAND IS IN NATO AFTER PUTIN'S INVASION!!!! Do you think putin will invade FINLAND now?????


6 months ago

Hillary Clinton's loss was a major blow to the Deep State. They were all shocked and stumped because they thought with all they did they had it in the bag. They knew that if Trump came in he would destroy their 16-year plan.

6 months ago

Bullshit from GREAT USA??????

6 months ago

What you think ?

6 months ago

I believe that there are some bad politicians in both political parties and I believe everything they do is by designed. Who can you really trust?

6 months ago

Glenn, how slow on this do you have to be? Ukraine (and their globalist/neocon puppet masters) were ALREADY at war with Russia during that time. I’m talking about the Donbas region where Ukraine was committing genocide on the Ukrainians who lived there that were ethnic Russians. All this followed the 2014 CIA led coup that ousted a duly executed Ukrainian president and put in place Victoria Nuland’s hand picked choice for president. After that, the western (pro NATO/EU/USA) Ukrainians basically declared civil war on the eastern (pro Russia) Ukrainians and the eastern Ukrainians were getting slaughtered so Russia had to step in to prevent genocide.

6 months ago

It's been planned by USA since 2014 (2 years before Lindsey's satanic prep talk)

6 months ago

Russia is not the bad guy, us is. Russia is just fighting us hegemony and we all know everyone against us is the bad guy

6 months ago

you cannot take this clip out of context .The russian war against ukraine already started in 2014. And you guys have no idea about Europe . The American politicians from 1960 did know where the enemy were. You are so MAGA blind that you do not realize when the russian propaganda misuses and mislead the american people until it is to late . Russia and Putin will be happy when americans fight against each other. And Trump is a traitor not an american patriot.

6 months ago

What a magnificent blind fool Lindsay Graham is !

6 months ago

That's what happens when there is no freedom of the Press in the USA. Otherwise you would have known about the US overthrow of the Democratically elected government in Ukraine all the way back in 2014. 🙄

6 months ago

Shocking? Good morning.

6 months ago

Putin said some bad stuff about gay rights.

6 months ago

a stupid person.
"we can't let these thoughtless morons get away with mindless vandalism every weekend"
a person of low intelligence.

6 months ago

Now find soros bragging about his part in all of this. Narr the tube won't let you or me expose that will you

6 months ago

The Psychopath Graham