Next.js 13 App Router: A Guide to Internationalization

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Internationalization with the Next.js 13 App Router

Internationalization with the Next.js 13 App Router

Internationalization, often abbreviated as i18n, is the process of designing and developing software applications that can be easily adapted for use in different languages and cultures. With the release of Next.js 13, the popular React framework now includes built-in support for internationalization, making it easier than ever to create multilingual web applications.

One of the key features of Next.js 13 is the new App Router, which provides a powerful way to handle routing and navigation in your application. This can be especially useful when it comes to internationalization, as it allows you to easily define different routes and pages for each supported language.

When building a multilingual app with Next.js 13, you can use the App Router to define different routes for each language. For example, if you have a page that is available in both English and Spanish, you can create separate routes for each language, such as /en/page and /es/page. The App Router makes it easy to define these routes and handle the navigation between them.

In addition to handling routing, the Next.js 13 App Router also provides support for dynamic language switching. This means that you can easily change the language of your app while preserving the current state and URL. This allows for a seamless multilingual experience for your users, making it easy for them to switch between languages without losing their place in the app.

Overall, the Next.js 13 App Router provides a powerful and flexible solution for handling internationalization in your web applications. Whether you are building a simple blog or a complex e-commerce site, Next.js 13 makes it easy to create multilingual experiences that can reach users around the world.

With its built-in support for internationalization and powerful App Router, Next.js 13 is a great choice for building multilingual web applications. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just getting started with web development, Next.js 13 provides the tools and features you need to create modern, multilingual web experiences.

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Pavel Ostrovsky
10 months ago

BIG NOTICE: To get params in layout we need to put it inside [lang] folder. If it lays outside of the [lang] (as shown in the video), the language in html won't change and you woldn't be able to pass it to the layout components such as header and footer. Now everything seems to work)
Thanks for the video, it's trully the best way to impement internalization

Mahmoud Essam
10 months ago

how can i show locale in the url

Esteban Andres Isea Uvac
10 months ago

hahahahaha un poco español, awesome tutorial Anthony!

Lương Đoàn Đức
10 months ago

Hello, I have a question why I set the default language but it doesn't work?

10 months ago

Thank you for the video.. but is that a good practice for SEO or its better each language in a separate route as /sp ??

10 months ago

Hah, nice. YouTube recommended this video right after I made the same thing.

Murilo Rerison de Sousa Paz
10 months ago

Could you do a video explaining how to make the internationalization and private routes in the middleware? Because it's hard to configure both. Thanks

10 months ago

Ever since I moved page and layout files under app/[lang] I've been getting the 404 error page from next and I can't tell why. In the terminal it doesn't show any errors, says it compiles successfully but in the browser I get the 404…
Can someone help me out please?

Dani Bachini
10 months ago

in the middleware file I had to change the

“`export const config = { matcher: [ '/((?!_next|api|favicon.ico).*)', ] }“`
“`export const config = { matcher: ['/((?!api|_next|.*\..*).*)'] };“`

since the images in the public folder were not working. Everything else worked just fine 😊

Siva Ganesh
10 months ago

any solution for SSG + App Router + i18n. since middleware not supported in static export mode

Evgeny Dus
10 months ago

Thanks for sharing! Spent quite a lot of time to configure i18n in my project and get some ideas from your video. Just have one more question: how would you organize singular/plural keys inside of dictionary in this type of keys getting? 🙂 And also how would you separate this dictionary files in case of much bigger amout of keys?

Carlito D
10 months ago

thank you very much for your video, everything works perfectly except for not-found.tsx at the root of [lang] I can't get the params

10 months ago

Curious to ask, is the i18n conversion of this approach server side or client side ?

Tacettin Tiras
10 months ago

the cleanest i18n solution. thanks. more tutorials please.

Mateus Lima
10 months ago

I logged only to like, subscribe and comment this video, great! thx a lot for this! 😀👍

10 months ago

What about switching between the languages with a dropdown menu? how to handle that ?

zaki dzz
10 months ago

hello can you add example if im on home page : i consume only home stings,same for other pages like load translation per page only

Johan Nordberg
10 months ago

What would happen if you actually had the lang in the url? Would it rewrite to /en/en/some-path?

Hans Ferdinand Trauwitz Villarreal
10 months ago

sobre yo better put Acerca de mi, 😊😊

NOUR Rahim
10 months ago

Hi , i have a question , i want a button that change my local from /fr to /en , i could not do it , i tried to use usestate etc , but nothing happend