Next.js 13: Everything You Need to Know about Mastering Dynamic Routing

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Master Dynamic Routing in Next.js 13 – What You Need to Know!

Master Dynamic Routing in Next.js 13 – What You Need to Know!

Next.js 13 has introduced some powerful new features, including dynamic routing. Dynamic routing allows you to create routes based on data at runtime, enabling you to build more flexible and dynamic applications. In this article, we will explore how to master dynamic routing in Next.js 13 and what you need to know to take full advantage of this feature.

Understanding Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routing allows you to create routes that match different URL patterns based on data at runtime. This is incredibly useful for creating pages for dynamic content such as blog posts, product pages, user profiles, and more. With dynamic routing, you can define patterns for URL parameters and use those parameters to dynamically generate pages.

Defining Dynamic Routes

In Next.js 13, you can define dynamic routes by creating files with square brackets in the pages directory. For example, if you create a file named [id].js in the pages directory, Next.js will automatically generate a route that matches any URL with a single segment, such as /posts/123 or /products/456. You can then access the value of the id parameter in your page component using the useRouter hook.

Generating Dynamic Pages

Once you have defined dynamic routes, you can use the getStaticPaths and getStaticProps functions to generate pages for each matching URL pattern. The getStaticPaths function allows you to specify the possible values for dynamic parameters, while the getStaticProps function allows you to fetch the data for a specific page based on its parameters. This allows you to create dynamic pages with pre-rendered content for optimal performance.


Dynamic routing in Next.js 13 opens up a world of possibilities for building dynamic and flexible applications. By understanding how to define dynamic routes and generate dynamic pages, you can take full advantage of this powerful feature and create more dynamic and engaging user experiences. Whether you’re building a blog, an e-commerce site, or any other type of application, mastering dynamic routing in Next.js 13 is an essential skill that will take your application to the next level.

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7 months ago

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Barış Çeliker
7 months ago

Actually it is not working for me I got errror 404 with this way .

Abd Gaming
7 months ago

Thank you, you helped me greatly with your explanation❤❤

Abhishek Gupta
7 months ago

Thank you

Abolfazl Taghavi
7 months ago

tanx a lot this video is very helpfull

person zen
7 months ago

Thank you for the video. Can you tell me the name of the microphone you're using?

Defan Putra
7 months ago

the way you talk like a medieval nobleman like in anime, I like this. I feel like learning from a nobleman who likes to code.

Faisal Akram
7 months ago

but it is not working in the production, anyone have faced this issue ?

7 months ago


Mladenka Orlić
7 months ago

your accent makes it impossible to follow, please work on your spoken english…

Denis WD
7 months ago

Great video is a little lacking information on how to create pages based on local data or data received via Api (any json placeholder). Thanks for the video my friend!

7 months ago

everytime i use string in dynamic route like title of blog post the decode url like "blog/this%20is%20weird" anyone know how to change it like "blog/this-is-normal"

peter man
7 months ago

Hello instructor. Kindly make next js portfolio website

Kimbap Slayer
7 months ago

Can you explain how to provide static paths using next 13? I am trying to update my old portfolio blog to next 13 but I am facing vercel deployment errors cos I’m not generating paths correct. Docs is a bit confusing and still not working.

John Omoseni
7 months ago

you sound funny😅

Yubin Jo
7 months ago

Thank you!

No More
7 months ago

Can the dynamic route be statically generated without getStaticParams ?

I have an order details page /order/order_id. I cant get all order-ids because they are dynamically generated every second. How can i statically generate a order details page ? Thank you

Iska Newton
7 months ago

Love you babu

Stephen J
7 months ago

Thank you so much!! your explanation helped me.