Next.js – Advanced Topics: Part 6

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Learn Next.js – Part 6

Learn Next.js – Part 6

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications. In this series, we have covered the basics of Next.js and how to get started with building your first Next.js application. In this part, we will focus on routing and navigation in Next.js.

Routing in Next.js

Next.js uses a file-system based router, which means that pages are created by simply creating files in the pages directory. For example, if you create a file named “about.js” in the pages directory, you will automatically have a route called “/about” in your Next.js application.

Linking between pages

In Next.js, you can easily create links between pages using the Link component from the next/link module. This allows for fast and seamless navigation between different pages in your application without having to reload the entire page.

Dynamic routing

Next.js also supports dynamic routing, which allows you to create routes based on the parameters passed in the URL. This can be useful for creating dynamic content pages or category-based pages in your application.


Routing and navigation are essential aspects of any web application, and Next.js provides a simple and intuitive way to handle routing and navigation in your React applications. By understanding how routing works in Next.js, you can create seamless and user-friendly navigation experiences for your users.