Next.js Course #1: Getting Started with Next.js, Setting Up a Project, and Creating the First Page

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Introduction to Next.js, Project Setup and First Page – Next.js Course #1

Introduction to Next.js, Project Setup and First Page

Welcome to the first lesson of our Next.js course! In this lesson, we will cover the basics of Next.js, how to set up a new project, and create our first page.

Introduction to Next.js

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications. It provides a great developer experience with features like server-side rendering, static site generation, and automatic code splitting. Next.js also comes with built-in support for TypeScript, CSS-in-JS, and API routes.

Project Setup

Setting up a new Next.js project is quite simple. You can start by using the create-next-app command-line tool, which provides a boilerplate for a new Next.js project. Once the project is set up, you can use npm or yarn to install any additional dependencies you may need.

First Page

Creating our first page in Next.js is very straightforward. All we need to do is create a new file in the pages directory with the .js or .tsx extension and export a React component as the default export. This component will serve as our page content. We can then navigate to this page by accessing its URL in the browser.

We hope you are excited to start learning about Next.js and are looking forward to building your first application with this amazing framework. Stay tuned for the next lesson, where we will dive deeper into the various features and capabilities of Next.js.

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7 months ago

head.jsx is deprecated now.

7 months ago

This is (weirdly without exaggeration) the best programming video I have seen. You are on the road to great success if you continue like this. Specially that you are one of the handful of creators making tutorials for the new version of Next.js. You got yourself your 255th subscriber out of millions soon.

7 months ago

I'm pretty new to coding and I really liked your video it was very clear on the concepts of Next.js. I do however have a question about your video. In your video when you created a new next.js application using npx you wrote an –experimental-app tag in the command line. Can you explain what that does I couldn't find the answer.

7 months ago

You have earned yourself a subscriber 🙂 Please keep updating this course regularly, waiting for next videos.

7 months ago

Your video is clear, what cam do you use? Also great job on the video as well.

7 months ago

This is an amazing next js tutorial content. thank you for sharing this. Looking forward to more from you and will definitely consume them as they get released by you. Kudos!

7 months ago

Their is no course on web with Next13 every other course out there assums you have worked with next 12 . As someone like me who has not worked with next12 it's hard to understand. Please keep the series alive and complete it.

7 months ago

When do you anticipate releasing the next video in this series?

7 months ago

Nice clear tutorial. Looking forward to your next Video on Next.js 13. I seem to have no App folder in my version that I downloaded today.

7 months ago

Good content, just keep doing

7 months ago

Keep Creating Content and Keep sharing your knowledge. Thank you for the amazing Next Js Course.