Next.js: Demonstrating the Use of Images with next/image

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Using Images in Next.js

Using Images in Next.js

Next.js, a popular React framework, provides built-in support for image optimization and lazy loading. This makes it easy to work with images in your Next.js projects, ensuring fast load times and a good user experience.

The next/image component in Next.js allows you to easily include optimized images in your application. It automatically handles image optimization, lazy loading, and the generation of multiple sizes and formats for different devices and browsers.

Basic usage

Here’s an example of how to use the next/image component in a Next.js application:

{`import Image from 'next/image';

function MyComponent() {
return (


In this example, the src attribute specifies the path to the image, and the width and height attributes define the dimensions of the image. The alt attribute provides a description of the image for accessibility purposes.

Advanced options

Next.js also allows you to specify additional attributes for the next/image component, such as layout, objectFit, and priority.


The layout attribute can be set to fill, fixed, or responsive, depending on how you want the image to be displayed. The objectFit attribute defines how the image should be resized or cropped to fit its container. The priority attribute can be used to prioritize the loading of the image for a better user experience.


Next.js provides powerful image optimization and lazy loading features through its next/image component, making it easy to work with images in your Next.js projects. By using the next/image component, you can ensure that your images are optimized for different devices and browsers, leading to faster load times and a better user experience.

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6 months ago

I love it when I find the solution to one of my problems while randomly scrubbing through coding videos

6 months ago

Unfortunately, I still got this "Error: Image with src "/…" is missing required "width" property.". I've already set style which contains width and height like you did in this video. I got an error but you didn't. What should I do?😭

6 months ago

Using next version 13.3.4 and when I use the first example in this video, what you called, "the most basic," <Image src={/etc} alt={/etc} style={{maxWidth: '100%', height: 'auto' }} /> I get the error 'missing required width property'. Why am I or how are you not? Solving this is why I'm here.

6 months ago

I have my frontend on nextjs 13 using app router and backed is in python django. And i want to use Image component currently both frontend and backend is on locally. Can you guide me how i can use the Image component of nextjs?

6 months ago

The image component in Next.js is particularly beneficial for individuals who want to avoid the complexities of handling various rendered sizes.

6 months ago

Love all your videos on NextJS, and love NextJS and what you guys are doing atm @leerob but just had to point out, in the English language, “height” is not pronounced with the “th” sound at the end. It rhymes with words like “right” or “bite” 😅

6 months ago

why my next images are breaking after i deployed my next website using gitlab pages

6 months ago

Thank you so much! That was very helpful!!!

6 months ago

crystal clear

6 months ago

Thanks for this Lee!

I was wondering how can i allow a 2mb image but during the upload itself it shrinks/compresses and THEN stores in the bucket at a much reduced size, saving some sorage space as well? Im using supabase.


6 months ago

I was wondering why in the Image srcset generated when specifying the sizes property, all the sources have the same pixel dimensions ? Am I doing something wrong ? I would have guessed that the image's pixel dimensions would be different for each specified size

6 months ago

hi ,

I am using images from the public folder but when I build and see the src and the browser downloads it does not compress them and leaves them in .jpeg or .png form and in theory I should optimize them what am I doing wrong?

that's how I use them

import Image from 'next/image'

<Image src={'/home/en/challengesallianz.jpg} fill alt="" className="h-[50%] w-full" />

and when I see the browser already compiled it appears the same

<img alt="" loading="lazy" decoding="async" data-nimg="fill" class="h-\[50%\] w-full" style="position:absolute;height:100%;width: 100%;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;color:transparent" src="/home/en/challengesallianz.jpg">
with the same size as the folder and in theory it should convert it to webp

6 months ago

<Image src='./tintin.svg' alt='tintin' style={{ height: "80%", width: "auto" }}/>
trying to do this, similar to how you did it in the video but I keep getting this error:
Image with src "./SVG/tintin.svg" is missing required "width" property.

6 months ago

Background image example is not good

6 months ago

what VSCode Theme do u use?

6 months ago

Images get 404 error and wont get displayed after deploying to AWS Amplify. Any thoughts?

6 months ago

any idea on how to use videos as backgrounds in next js please?

6 months ago

So finally😩 the annoy error gone now use like img tag

I mean the annoy require prop

6 months ago

I think the next step for the image component is to set the width and height and generate the blur version without having to import the image first, just using the normal /[your public assets].

6 months ago

Nice! So we do we still need to install Sharp or not?