
Next.js Full-Stack Authentication Course – The Ultimate Guide

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Complete Next.js Fullstack Authentication Course

Complete Next.js Fullstack Authentication Course

Next.js is a popular React framework that is well-suited for building high-performance web applications. One of the most important aspects of any web application is user authentication, and mastering it is crucial for creating secure and feature-rich websites. Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to learn about Next.js fullstack authentication, including comprehensive courses that cover all the necessary concepts and techniques.

What is Next.js Fullstack Authentication?

Next.js fullstack authentication involves implementing user authentication in a Next.js application, both on the client-side and server-side. The main purpose is to allow users to securely register, log in, and access protected resources on the website or application. This authentication process typically includes features like user registration, email verification, password reset, role-based access control, and various authentication methods such as username/password, social media login, or token-based authentication.

Importance of Learning Next.js Fullstack Authentication

Learning Next.js fullstack authentication is essential for anyone developing web applications that require user authentication. Whether you are building an e-commerce platform, a social media website, or an online banking system, user authentication is critical to secure sensitive information and provide a personalized experience for users. By mastering Next.js fullstack authentication, you will be equipped with the skills to create secure and robust authentication systems, ensuring that your web application is both user-friendly and reliable.

Complete Next.js Fullstack Authentication Course

If you are interested in learning Next.js fullstack authentication, there are several comprehensive courses available online that cover all the necessary concepts and techniques. These courses often include step-by-step tutorials, real-world projects, and hands-on exercises to enhance your understanding and practical skills. They typically cover topics such as user registration, authentication flows, password management, session management, access control, and integration with third-party authentication providers.

By enrolling in a complete Next.js fullstack authentication course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and best practices of implementing authentication in Next.js applications. You will learn how to securely store user credentials, handle login and registration flows, prevent common authentication vulnerabilities, and design a scalable and customizable authentication system that fits your specific project requirements.


Next.js fullstack authentication is a critical aspect of web application development that requires a solid understanding of authentication principles and practical implementation. By taking a complete Next.js fullstack authentication course, you can equip yourself with the knowledge and skills necessary to create robust and secure authentication systems in your Next.js applications. With the increasing importance of user privacy and data protection, mastering Next.js fullstack authentication is essential for any developer aiming to build reliable and user-friendly web applications.

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Techco Digital
8 months ago

hello hitesh sir ,I have a error in this code when I login or signup first time it work successfully but after logout or back to login or signup page it give error (xhr.js:256
POST http://localhost:3000/api/users/login 500 (Internal Server Error) what can I do. please reply

Jeremy Pointer
8 months ago

Thank you for this… I've been through a few tutorials only a little older and struggling to work on updated versions of everything with latest methodologies. Always one or the other part of the app does not work. This also made it easy to tweak in Prisma instead of straight mongo.

Bhosle Vedant
8 months ago

Thank you so much for this course

8 months ago

Thank you so much Hitesh. This was just the tutorial I was after to understand the more advanced authentication techniques. I won't lie when you suggested the final assignment I was a bit stuck in the mud at first, but when I broke each task you explained down and tackled them individually it made perfect sense, and it genuinely did help me understand the theory more, esp around the tokens. I was a bit unsure how they were being handled the first time around. Many thanks for this class, onto your others 🙂 (greetings from the UK btw 👋)

8 months ago

I finished the typescript playlist. Now starting nextjs.

Steve Bendersky
8 months ago

thank you. Will you do forget password/ change password in the future for this?

Nitesh Bhagat
8 months ago

Could you please show how can we add google login in authentication

8 months ago

Which theme are you using for vs code ?

Nitesh Bhagat
8 months ago


Itihas verma
8 months ago

Sir we really want to contribute to your project , but we don't have idea how to contribute to a project on github. Sir please, make a video for the same.

Shivam Batholiya
8 months ago


Shubham Batholiya
8 months ago

How I can get those suggestions in vs code, that you are getting.
Please tell

Czarnie Salazar
8 months ago

Thanks a lot Hitest!! Your the best! Please make more videos like small app, with authentication, with admin and normal user role and a production ready please. Thanks in advance!

Tanmay Patra
8 months ago

Can't we use Next-API directly in Server-side components???

Saksham Tomer
8 months ago


Suvasis Patra
8 months ago

absolutely loved this course, sir. Please bring more projects like this

Abhay Kumar Singh
8 months ago

I don't know why after deployment on vercel .It is giving message not "Cannot reading property of undefined reading 'id' .My code is running fine in localhost but giving above metion error after deployment.

Can anybody help??

This my /profile route
"use client";

import Logout from "@/Components/Logout";

import axios from "axios";

import Link from "next/link";

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

export default function Profilepage() {

const [UserID, setUserID] = useState("");

const fn = async () => {

const { data } = await axios.get("/api/users/me");




useEffect(() => {


}, []);

return (


<h1 className="text-white text-center">Profile page</h1>


<Link href={"/profile/" + UserID} className="text-red-400">







My api/users/me

import connectdb from "@/dbConfig/dbConfig";

import { getDataFromToken } from "@/helpers/getDataFromToken";

import User from "@/models/User";

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";


export const GET = async (req: NextRequest) => {

try {

const userData: any = await getDataFromToken(req);

console.log(userData); //will remove after vercel debugged happens

const user = await User.findById(userData?.id).select("-password");

return NextResponse.json(user);

} catch (error: any) {

return NextResponse.json({

message: error.message,




My helper

import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";

import { NextRequest } from "next/server";

export async function getDataFromToken(req: NextRequest) {

try {

const token = req.cookies.get("token")?.value || "";

console.log(token); //will remove after vercel debugged happens

//Verify token

const Userdata = jwt.verify(token, process.env.TOKEN_SECRET!);


return Userdata;

} catch (error: any) {




Note -: This programs work fine in localhost

8 months ago


Aniket Singh
8 months ago

Thank you sir, this course helped me clear on so many things. God bless you

Irshad Hussain
8 months ago

@2:08:01 shortcut to go directly into console or network tab Ctrl + Shift + i