Next.js Module Federation Version 7 discussed by Zack Jackson

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Zack Jackson Talks About Next.js Module Federation Version 7

Zack Jackson Talks About Next.js Module Federation Version 7

Next.js Module Federation has been a popular tool for developers to share code and resources across different Next.js applications. With the release of Version 7, there are some exciting new features and improvements that Zack Jackson, a well-known developer in the Next.js community, is talking about.

Improved Performance

One of the key improvements in Next.js Module Federation Version 7 is the enhanced performance. Zack Jackson has been testing the new version and has noticed a significant decrease in load times and improved overall performance when using Module Federation in his applications. This is great news for developers who are looking to optimize the performance of their Next.js apps.

Enhanced Code Sharing

Zack Jackson has also been impressed with the enhanced code sharing capabilities in Version 7. With improved support for sharing components and resources between Next.js applications, developers can now more easily build and maintain modular, scalable applications using Module Federation. This is a game-changer for teams working on large, complex projects.

Dynamic Module Loading

Another feature that Zack Jackson is excited about is the new support for dynamic module loading. With this feature, developers can now dynamically load modules and resources at runtime, making it easier to manage code splitting and optimize the loading of resources in their applications. Zack Jackson believes that this will simplify the development process and improve the user experience in Next.js apps.


Overall, Zack Jackson is highly impressed with the improvements and new features in Next.js Module Federation Version 7. He believes that these enhancements will make it even easier for developers to build modular, scalable, and performant Next.js applications. With Zack’s endorsement, many developers are eagerly looking forward to leveraging the power of Module Federation in their projects.

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6 months ago

Really cool to see the whole though process of something as complicated as getting module federation to work on next from the mind behind Module Federation. 40min that flew by