Next.js Routing: Static and Dynamic Routes with Headless WordPress Integration [Part 4]

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Routing in Next.js – Static and Dynamic Routes – Next.js + Headless WordPress [Part 4]

Routing in Next.js – Static and Dynamic Routes – Next.js + Headless WordPress [Part 4]

In this article, we will explore the concept of routing in Next.js, including static and dynamic routes. We will also look at how to integrate Next.js with Headless WordPress to create a powerful and dynamic website.

Static Routes in Next.js

Static routes in Next.js are defined in the pages directory of your project. Each file in the pages directory represents a route in your application. For example, if you have a file named about.js in the pages directory, it will create a route for the /about URL in your application.

Static routes are useful for creating simple, static pages in your application. They are also easy to set up and maintain, making them a good choice for smaller websites or applications with a fixed number of pages.

Dynamic Routes in Next.js

Dynamic routes in Next.js allow you to create routes that include dynamic parameters. For example, if you have a file named [id].js in the pages directory, it will create a route that matches any URL with a numeric ID parameter. This allows you to create dynamic pages that can display different content based on the URL parameters.

Dynamic routes are useful for creating more complex, data-driven applications. They allow you to create a single page template that can be used to display different content based on the URL parameters, making it easy to manage and maintain your application.

Integrating Next.js with Headless WordPress

Next.js can be integrated with Headless WordPress to create a powerful and dynamic website. Headless WordPress allows you to use the WordPress backend to create and manage your content, while Next.js handles the front-end presentation and routing.

To integrate Next.js with Headless WordPress, you can use the WordPress REST API to fetch content from your WordPress site and display it in your Next.js application. This allows you to create a fast, responsive, and dynamic website that is easy to manage and update using the familiar WordPress interface.

Overall, routing in Next.js is a powerful feature that allows you to create static and dynamic routes for your application. When combined with Headless WordPress, you can create a flexible and dynamic website that is easy to manage and update.

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6 months ago

Thanks for the useful series.

6 months ago

Hi, good to be landed in your channel. Just one quick question, how to make the post url without the /blog/ or /category/. I just want to make it all clean in the root. ex: localhost:3000/hello-world