Next.js Tutorial: How to Embed a Video Player with Next Cloudinary – Dev Hints

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Embedding a Video Player in Next.js with Next Cloudinary – Dev Hints

Embedding a Video Player in Next.js with Next Cloudinary

Next.js is a popular React framework that enables you to build server-side rendered applications with ease. Cloudinary is a cloud-based media management platform that provides a simple way to upload, store, and deliver images and videos for your web applications. In this article, we will explore how to embed a video player in a Next.js application using Next Cloudinary.

Setting up Next Cloudinary

First, you need to sign up for a Cloudinary account and obtain your API credentials. Once you have your API credentials, you can install the Cloudinary npm package in your Next.js project:

npm install cloudinary

After installing the Cloudinary package, you can configure it with your API credentials and set up the Cloudinary widget for uploading videos. The Cloudinary documentation provides detailed instructions on how to set up the widget and integrate it with your Next.js application.

Embedding the Video Player

Once you have set up Next Cloudinary and uploaded your videos, you can embed a video player in your Next.js application. You can use the Cloudinary Video Player to display your videos with customizable playback options such as autoplay, loop, and mute.

To embed the video player, you can use the HTML <video> tag with the src attribute set to the URL of your Cloudinary video. Here’s an example of how to embed a video player in your Next.js application:

<video controls src=""></video>

By adding the controls attribute to the <video> tag, you enable the default video player controls such as play, pause, and volume. You can also customize the appearance and behavior of the video player using CSS and JavaScript.


Embedding a video player in a Next.js application with Next Cloudinary is a simple and effective way to manage and display videos for your web applications. By leveraging the power of Cloudinary’s media management platform, you can easily upload, store, and deliver high-quality videos to your users. Whether you are building a portfolio website, an e-learning platform, or a video streaming service, Next Cloudinary provides the tools you need to create engaging and interactive video experiences for your audience.

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7 months ago

You saved my job 😅
Thanks ❤❤❤❤❤

7 months ago

I can’t get my video to auto play. I’ve tried adding autoPlay=“always” but nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

7 months ago

How to setup autoplay for it? I can't find any documentation regarding the value for autoplay field!

7 months ago

Worst video ever. You don't show how you setup anything.

7 months ago

not working on v16

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