Next.js Tutorial: Mastering Dynamic Server-Side Routing

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Dynamic Server Side Routing | Next.js Tutorial

Dynamic Server Side Routing | Next.js Tutorial

Next.js is a popular JavaScript framework that allows you to build server-rendered and statically generated React applications. In this tutorial, we will focus on dynamic server-side routing using Next.js.

What is Dynamic Server-Side Routing?

Dynamic server-side routing in Next.js allows you to handle dynamic content and data on your website by generating specific pages on the server side. This means that when a user requests a page, the server dynamically generates the content and sends it to the client.

Creating Dynamic Routes in Next.js

To create dynamic routes in Next.js, you can use the file system-based routing system. This means that you create files in the `pages` directory with square brackets `[]` in the file name to indicate that the route is dynamic. For example, if you want to create a dynamic route for blog posts, you can create a file called `pages/posts/[id].js`. This will allow you to create dynamic routes for individual blog posts based on their ID.

Fetching Data for Dynamic Routes

Once you have set up dynamic routes in Next.js, you can fetch data for these routes using server-side rendering. You can use the `getServerSideProps` method to fetch data from an API or a database and pass it to the component as props. This allows you to dynamically generate the content for each page on the server side.

Handling Dynamic Routes on the Client Side

In addition to server-side rendering, Next.js also allows you to handle dynamic routes on the client side using the `useRouter` hook. This allows you to access the dynamic parameters of the route and update the page content based on user interactions without a full page reload.


Dynamic server-side routing in Next.js is a powerful feature that allows you to create dynamic content and data-driven pages on your website. By using file-based routing and server-side rendering, you can handle dynamic routes with ease and provide a seamless user experience.