
NextJs 14: A Guide to Authentication and Subscriptions

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Authentication & Subscriptions in NextJs 14

Authentication & Subscriptions in NextJs 14

NextJs 14 introduces new features for handling authentication and subscriptions, making it easier for developers to build secure and scalable web applications. Here’s a breakdown of these features:


NextJs 14 provides built-in support for authentication, allowing developers to easily integrate authentication mechanisms into their applications. Developers can use popular authentication providers like Auth0, Firebase Authentication, or custom authentication services.

Using Auth0

To integrate Auth0 authentication in NextJs 14, you can use the Auth0 SDK and configure the necessary settings in the Auth0 dashboard. Once set up, you can easily authenticate users with Auth0 and manage user sessions securely.


NextJs 14 also introduces support for subscriptions, allowing developers to implement subscription-based services in their applications. This is particularly useful for applications that offer premium content or services that require recurring payments.

Implementing Subscriptions

To implement subscriptions in NextJs 14, developers can use payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal to handle payments and manage subscriptions. By integrating these services with NextJs, developers can provide a seamless user experience for subscribing to premium content or services.

Overall, NextJs 14 offers robust features for handling authentication and subscriptions, making it a great choice for building secure and scalable web applications. With built-in support for authentication providers and subscription services, developers can easily implement these features in their NextJs applications.

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3 months ago

Now how to Authentication and Role-Based Access Control in Next.js using clerk … I mean when you have a different role like admin and user and make middleware to handle it using clerk, would you make a video tutorial about it?

I think there's not yet video about it

3 months ago

Vid has some great stuff in it, but handling the add credits on the front end in your checkout route instead of using a stripe webhook is very prone to issues. If at some point in de success redirect something messes up, the user will have paid but no credits will be added

3 months ago

Good morning,

I recently discovered your channel via your course on Zustand and now I'm discovering this one, thank you very much because they are of very high quality! you really get to the bottom of things!

I know that with Clerk, we can do other advanced things like setting up and managing organizations, if that is not too much to ask of you, could you occasionally address this subject?

Thank you in advance and thank you for your work!

3 months ago

my another question about clerk
its can be used in production ?
i mean its trusted ?
because if we build big data with clerk
what happen if they close this service or put high fees

3 months ago

Create a video for Lemon Squeezy with Prisma SQL with one-time payment or subscription etc. Maybe Affiliates, that would add a lot of value to the video and I need it for my saas application

3 months ago

sorry for my this question
i have use context in my project
and its working fine on dev pc
but when i deploy on vercel
its not working at all
vercel ignoring it and i cant access my global state and always null
what causes thats please!😍

3 months ago

Hi Hamed, that's the 10th AI video tutrial 🙂 Thank you, always ❤
Having a big problem, hoenstly with Clerk. Have you ever tried to save the user login data after signIn? I am using prisma and supabase .. I can't even get the user right after signin using the api route. Tried all the functions Clerk is providing the api route returns NULL. I would be so happy if you could show us how you'd do it 🙏

3 months ago

Your teaching skills are really great and you deserve huge number of subscribers . Request you to start paid course in next js + prisma + PostgreSQL + Shadcn and choose some great topic sometime like accounting application where we can make the credit voucher and debit voucher and post the purchase vouchers for number of items as such kind of applications are not there as the customer here are many others features of accounting like statement of account and aging report and so on.

3 months ago

you deserve millions subscribers. 👌

3 months ago

ای ایرانی که این ویدیو رو میبنی این سرویس برا تو فیلتره 😢

3 months ago

thank you hamed i was looking for how to use stripe with next js and u really helped me as usual

3 months ago

Hey Hamed, could you create a video on authentication in Next.js without using any paid services? Please include the token rotation part, possibly using AuthJS, Lucia, or custom auth, especially when dealing with a separate backend and authentication through JWT.