
NextJs 14: Utilizing Parallel Routes

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Parallel Routes in NextJs 14

Parallel Routes in NextJs 14

NextJs 14 introduces a new feature called Parallel Routes, which allows developers to create parallel route structures for their applications.

With Parallel Routes, developers can define multiple route configurations that run in parallel, enabling better performance and scalability for their applications.

Here’s how you can take advantage of Parallel Routes in NextJs 14:

Defining Parallel Routes

To define parallel routes in NextJs 14, you can use the new ParallelRoutes component. This component allows you to define multiple route configurations that will run concurrently, enabling faster navigation and better user experience.

Here’s an example of how you can define parallel routes in NextJs 14:

import { ParallelRoutes } from ‘next/dist/parallel-routes’;

function App() {
return (


In this example, we have defined three parallel routes for the Home, About, and Contact pages. These routes will run in parallel, allowing for faster navigation between different sections of the application.

Benefits of Parallel Routes

There are several benefits to using Parallel Routes in NextJs 14:

  • Improved Performance: Parallel routes enable faster navigation and better performance for your application, as route components can run concurrently without blocking each other.
  • Scalability: With Parallel Routes, you can easily scale your application to handle more traffic and users, as the route configurations run in parallel, allowing for better resource utilization.
  • Enhanced User Experience: By using Parallel Routes, you can provide a smoother and more responsive user experience, as navigation between different sections of the application is faster and more seamless.


Parallel Routes in NextJs 14 is a powerful feature that enables developers to create faster and more scalable applications. By defining parallel route configurations, developers can improve performance, scalability, and user experience for their NextJs applications.

If you’re looking to enhance the performance and scalability of your NextJs application, be sure to explore the capabilities of Parallel Routes in NextJs 14.

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6 months ago

Is it possible to make a dynamic parallel route?

6 months ago

I have a quick question. I've implemented cookies and JWT authentication in my NestJS backend. Now I'm working on the Next.js frontend, and I have a server component that sends a request to the backend (Nest) to get protected data. However, I'm receiving an "unauthorized" message from the backend in the server component.

Note: I'm using HTTPS-only cookies and ngrok for HTTPS in development.

How to solve this? means how i can configure next js

How i can forwards the secure cookies from Server compoents to the nest js backend that are comming from the browser

6 months ago

Sir Kindly create separate Nextjs Tutorials folder .. Further please make projects nextjs using typescript fullstack .. otherwise you are very good Teacher .. God bless you ❤❤

6 months ago

My website is ecommerce. Can I deploy my Next.js App on AWS S3, Just .next folder? Is it possible?

6 months ago

I like this video. thank you so much!

6 months ago

What would happen if i have /settings segment/folder on app folder? Where would all these navigate?

6 months ago


6 months ago

instead on default team ,I want to show the the team on refresh . how I can achieve this ?

6 months ago

it was quite new content about parallel routing which i never seen before. thanks to simplify and share it.

6 months ago

Hey, I think your audio is desynced with your video. Watch your mouth in the video relative to the audio, it doesn't match properly.

6 months ago

ikr, nextjs become Remix?

6 months ago

Thanks for the clear information!

6 months ago

Is there a way to show the Team page instead of Default Team page without having the same code in both page.tsx and default.tsx of the team slot ?
Thank you for this amazing explanation and guide.

6 months ago

Parrel route is a cool thing but where I use this .that I have confused. can you give some production test case for this ?

6 months ago

Also make a video on intercepting routes ☺

6 months ago

why the home also need default? its not a slot but a page right?

6 months ago

I'm not really understanding a need of default pages. Is it maybe preventing security issues?

6 months ago

I still have a hard time understanding why I would use this instead of different components.

Especially now when they can be streamed in independently of each other?

This is my only problem with Next, there are so many ways to achieve roughly the same things and no clear best practices… if anyone has a best practice for me when it comes to these Parallel Routes, please help out. 🙏🏻

6 months ago

Sir,please you can make a video on admin or normal user routes protection with node js because its confusing compare to react routes

6 months ago

I don't get it, how is this even useful?