
NextJS Showdown: Prisma vs Drizzle

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Prisma VS Drizzle in NextJS

Prisma VS Drizzle in NextJS

When it comes to choosing a data management solution for your NextJS project, Prisma and Drizzle are two popular options. Let’s take a look at the key differences between the two:


Prisma is a modern database toolkit that makes it easy to work with databases in your JavaScript applications. It provides a clean and intuitive API for interacting with databases, and supports a wide range of databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

One of the key advantages of using Prisma is its strong typing system, which helps catch errors at compile time and improve code quality. Prisma also offers advanced features such as schema migrations, data seeding, and query caching.


Drizzle is a state management library for Ethereum dApps, which is commonly used in NextJS projects that interact with the Ethereum blockchain. It provides a simple API for interacting with smart contracts, and includes features such as contract event tracking and automatic contract state syncing.

While Drizzle is specifically designed for Ethereum dApps, it can also be used for other types of applications that require blockchain integration. However, it may not be the best choice for projects that do not interact with the Ethereum blockchain.


In summary, Prisma is a great choice for traditional JavaScript applications that require database management, while Drizzle is better suited for projects that require Ethereum blockchain integration. Ultimately, the choice between Prisma and Drizzle will depend on the specific requirements of your NextJS project.

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1 month ago

can you not quickly zoom in and zoom out? it makes me confused. Just increase the font size so you dont need to zoom in the text.

1 month ago

What do you mean by "relations like Prisma"? relations have existed since long ago, the first time I saw the term used was in Ruby on Rails, the only difference is it's called Associations, same with age old Sequelize, in fact the first one I can remember that mentioned Relations specifically was TypeORM, Prisma didn't invent relations…

1 month ago

Why are your models lowercase?

1 month ago

Could you please share your font settings? Looks neat

1 month ago

I like your comparison. I keep going back and forth and which one I want to use.

1 month ago

thx man, the video was really good. I personally have never used drizzleORM but given this video it just looks easier to work with prisma which has been my goto for a big while now

1 month ago

Nice comparison. I haven't used Drizzle extensively, but I'm a huge fan of Prisma and haven't noticed any lack of performance in real world apps. Its certainly easier than what we came from which is Knex and Objection, which was still pretty good! The only weird thing about Prisma is the inability to roll back migrations. Still not quite sure why you can't do that.

1 month ago

Awesome overview. I feel like the key distinction is that prisma sacrifices performance and fine grained control in favor of better dx. On the other hand drizzle favors predictable and fast execution with a much smaller layer of abstraction in exchange for worse dx. Another point of difference is how they handle migrations. Prisma encourages you to create actual migrations whereas drizzle uses, as far as I understand it, the equivalent of `prisma db push`.

ps. For us mobile viewers it’d be awesome in future videos if you doubled the zoom level in your editor.

1 month ago

The DX for Prisma is so much better