NiceGUI: Transform any browser into the frontend for your Python code.

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NiceGUI: Let any browser be the frontend of your Python code

Welcome to NiceGUI!

NiceGUI is a Python library that allows you to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for your Python code that can be accessed from any web browser. With NiceGUI, you can build web-based frontend interfaces for your Python applications without the need for complex web development tools or frameworks.

Using NiceGUI is simple and straightforward. Just install the library, create your frontend interface using Python code, and run the NiceGUI server. Your application will be accessible from any web browser on the same network, making it easy to share and showcase your Python projects.

Key Features of NiceGUI

  • Supports HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for building interactive web interfaces
  • Allows you to easily embed Python code in your frontend interface
  • Supports server-side scripting for handling user inputs and executing backend Python code
  • Includes a range of pre-built widgets and components for creating responsive and dynamic interfaces
  • Compatible with all major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge

Getting Started with NiceGUI

To start using NiceGUI, first install the library using pip:

pip install nicegui

Next, create a Python script that defines your frontend interface using NiceGUI’s API. For example, here’s a simple Hello World application:

from nicegui import ui

with ui.card():
ui.text('Hello, World!')

Finally, run the NiceGUI server from the command line:

nicegui run

Your application will be accessible at http://localhost:8000, where you can interact with it in any web browser.


NiceGUI is a powerful tool for building web-based frontend interfaces for your Python applications. Whether you’re creating data visualization tools, interactive dashboards, or custom widgets, NiceGUI makes it easy to showcase your Python projects in a browser-friendly format. Try NiceGUI today and let your creativity shine!

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3 months ago

I had previously used customtkinter, this library makes it’s stupidly easier to write functional, sleek and modern GUIs with little to no effort. The developer experience is just as great as the user one, the fact that my pages update after every save is amazing and really helps me work in a development scope. It’s fun to work with and provides great results fast! However since you are attempting to create a community I would suggest making a discord server. In doing so you can curate a group of users and have a place where people can ask for support, make suggestions or share their NiceGUI projects. This will really help the community grow and I personally would join in a heartbeat as I see this library being a core part of my future and even current projects once I’ve fully ported them.😊

3 months ago

I tried niceGUI for a project but I kind of found it incredibly frustrating when trying to do any kind of customization that moves away from the default. You want a button to spawn in the center instead of the top left corner? Well good luck with that. You want to group elements together in one card? Well good luck with that as well. You want the background of your app to be black instead of white? Very cute.
I spent a lot of time pouring over the documentation but found nothing that i thought helped. In the end it just seemed easier to go with the granular control that html, css and javascript offers. But I'm fully open that this most likely is just inexperience on my part and not properly understanding how the library wants me to think.

3 months ago

But why?

3 months ago

Its a revolution 🤯

3 months ago

Hello, can I use this to make a desktop ui or is this just for making web ui?

3 months ago


3 months ago

I like it but it would have been great if there are easy ways to compile it to desktop app like electron

3 months ago

Dude, thank you soo much! You are the best! Keep updating the library, if need some donate tell us. You saved my HTML/CSS block.

3 months ago

how does this solve a problem ? I'm tired of people making random framework jus t for the sake of building. Every week a new one comes out.

3 months ago

Why would I use this instead of Flask??

3 months ago

tkinter developers shaking in their boots rn

3 months ago

This is cool

3 months ago

Will it be possible to create a drag and drop feature? Like matlab app designer?

3 months ago

Great work just subbed

3 months ago

Wow. So is this opening a UDP connection to python itself? Or is is just doing a onEvent interaction and sending that to python?

3 months ago


3 months ago

This is amazing!

3 months ago

why use the proper tools when you can pull a sledge hammer to perform the same job

3 months ago

Ahh failed at the first hurdle, nothing like a pip install error 😀

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.

ipython 7.9.0 requires jedi>=0.10, which is not installed.

3 months ago

I will port my design system using this library and release it to the public to use. Python frontend dev just made a huge step from tkinter etc