Node.js 18 Makes Fetching Data Easier than Ever Before

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Fetching Data in Node.js 18 Became Easier than Ever

Fetching Data in Node.js 18 Became Easier than Ever

Node.js 18 has brought significant improvements to data fetching, making it easier than ever for developers to retrieve data from various sources. Whether it’s fetching data from a database, making API requests, or reading from a file, Node.js 18 provides new features and enhancements that streamline the process and improve performance.

New fetch API for HTTP requests

One of the most notable improvements in Node.js 18 is the introduction of the new fetch API for making HTTP requests. Inspired by the fetch API in the browser, this new feature provides a more modern and streamlined way to fetch data from web servers. Developers can use the fetch API to make GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other types of HTTP requests with ease.

Built-in support for async/await

Node.js 18 also includes built-in support for async/await, which simplifies asynchronous data fetching. With async/await, developers can write asynchronous code in a more synchronous style, making it easier to manage and read. This feature simplifies the process of fetching data from external sources and handling the returned data in a more intuitive and readable way.

Improved handling of streaming data

In addition to the new fetch API and async/await support, Node.js 18 has also improved the handling of streaming data. Developers can now more easily fetch and process streaming data from sources such as files, databases, and APIs. This improvement enhances the performance and scalability of data fetching in Node.js applications.


With the release of Node.js 18, fetching data has become easier than ever. The new fetch API for HTTP requests, built-in support for async/await, and improved handling of streaming data make it simpler and more efficient for developers to retrieve data from various sources. These new features and enhancements contribute to a more powerful and productive development experience in Node.js 18.