
Node.js & Express.js Series: Chapter 16 – Updating Records in Database: removing a property or field

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Node.js & Express.js Series | Chapter 16 | Updating records in database-Removing a property or field

Node.js & Express.js Series | Chapter 16 | Updating records in database-Removing a property or field

In this chapter, we will learn how to remove a property or field from a record in a database using Node.js and Express.js.


Before proceeding with this tutorial, make sure you have the following:

  • Node.js installed on your machine
  • Express.js framework set up in your project
  • A database (MongoDB, MySQL, etc.) connected to your Node.js application

Removing a Property or Field from a Record

To remove a property or field from a record in a database, you can use the update method provided by your database library. First, you need to find the record that you want to update using a unique identifier (e.g., ID). Once you have the record, you can remove the property or field using the $unset operator.

Example (MongoDB)

If you are using MongoDB as your database, you can remove a property or field from a record using the following syntax:

          { _id: ObjectId('recordId') },
          { $unset: { propertyName: 1 } }

Example (MySQL)

If you are using MySQL as your database, you can remove a property or field from a record using the following syntax:

        UPDATE myTable
        SET propertyName = NULL
        WHERE id = recordId;


Removing a property or field from a record in a database is a common operation in web development. By using the appropriate database methods and operators, you can easily achieve this task in your Node.js and Express.js applications.