
Node JS: How to Upload Images and Files to Firebase Cloud Storage

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Upload Images / Files to Firebase Cloud Storage using Node JS

Upload Images / Files to Firebase Cloud Storage using Node JS

Firebase Cloud Storage is a powerful solution for storing and retrieving user-generated content like images, videos, and documents. In this article, we will learn how to upload images or files to Firebase Cloud Storage using Node JS.

Step 1: Set up Firebase Project

The first step is to create a new project in the Firebase Console and set up Firebase in your Node JS project. You can follow the official Firebase documentation to create and set up a new project.

Step 2: Install Firebase Storage SDK

Next, you need to install the Firebase Storage SDK for Node JS. You can do this by running the following command in your Node JS project directory:

npm install @google-cloud/storage

Step 3: Initialize Firebase Storage

After installing the Firebase Storage SDK, you need to initialize Firebase Storage in your Node JS project. You can do this by creating a new instance of the Storage class and passing your Firebase project’s credentials.

const { Storage } = require('@google-cloud/storage');
const storage = new Storage({
  keyFilename: 'path/to/your/firebase-project-credentials.json',

Step 4: Upload Images / Files to Firebase Cloud Storage

Now that Firebase Storage is initialized, you can upload images or files to Firebase Cloud Storage using the following code:

async function uploadFileToStorage(filePath, destinationPath) {
  const bucket = storage.bucket('your-firebase-storage-bucket');
  await bucket.upload(filePath, {
      destination: destinationPath,
  console.log('File uploaded to Firebase Cloud Storage');

// Example usage
const filePath = 'path/to/your/local/file.jpg';
const destinationPath = 'images/file.jpg';
uploadFileToStorage(filePath, destinationPath);

Step 5: Handle Upload Errors

It’s important to handle errors that may occur during the file upload process. You can use try/catch blocks to handle any errors that may occur during the upload process.

try {
  // Upload file to Firebase Cloud Storage
  uploadFileToStorage(filePath, destinationPath);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error uploading file to Firebase Cloud Storage:', error);


In this article, we learned how to upload images or files to Firebase Cloud Storage using Node JS. Firebase Cloud Storage is a powerful and reliable solution for storing user-generated content, and integrating it with Node JS is relatively straightforward. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily upload images or files to Firebase Cloud Storage in your Node JS project.

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5 months ago

Thanks for the tutorial, helped a ton!

5 months ago

Very helpful. Thank you

5 months ago

Thanks it helped a lot.
1.I am creating .net maui android app with firebase realtimedb and firebase storage for saving images and in security I kept true for read and write since I did not registered my android app in firebase and am validating the users activity of adding or saving directly in my code. is that okay?
2. I want to save images of 20000 and in that spark plan suits me or is that possible to use the google drive to save the image and get that image url and save it in realtimedb where my app datas are there and display it in xaml imagecontrol with that link?

5 months ago

Can I ask what databaseURL is? When creating a project, it's not there

5 months ago

Thanks its works for me on Nov 2023. You saved me 🙂

5 months ago

How to save image path in a document so that we can show documents with images while we map over them. I am not able to do it in react

5 months ago

Hi Kazim. Great video. Thanks for making it. However I tried to access your code repo. There was nothing visible in the "src" folder. Could you confirm?

5 months ago

Worked for me, Thank you so much

5 months ago

Thank you, helped me a lot! Good explanation.

5 months ago

omggg..thanks a billion for this tutorial

5 months ago

Thank you so much

5 months ago

Thanks! it was very helpful. However, do you believe Multer is deprecated?

5 months ago

That's buddy, it was very helpful

5 months ago

Can you help me sir ? My 'req.file' in 'upload-file.controller.ts' is undefined ?

5 months ago

Thanks for your tutorial!

5 months ago

Please provide code

5 months ago

Hi bro
I need apk for Android how to create bro


5 months ago

You are using the client lib from firebase, usualy on the server side it is recommanded to use the firebase admin sdk.

5 months ago

hi, is the source code on github, if there is very helpful

5 months ago

Thanks you bro for valuable information. ❤
Actually I'm working on my production app that contains many images, I'm using MERN stack to build the app, on problem is that I can't store that images into base64 on mongodb as it increase the size of the images and reduces the performance of my app.
So I just discovered your video and found that firebase gives the image link that I can store on my MongoDB database
is it efficient to use firebase + mongodb?