Node.js – Installation and Getting Started (Node.js, NPM and NPX)

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Node.js – Installation et mise en route (Node.js, NPM et NPX)

Node.js – Installation et mise en route (Node.js, NPM et NPX)

Node.js is a popular open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build scalable network applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient.

Installation de Node.js

To install Node.js, you can visit the official website and download the latest version for your operating system. Once the installation file is downloaded, you can follow the installation instructions to complete the setup.

Mise en route avec NPM (Node Package Manager)

After installing Node.js, you also get NPM, a package manager for JavaScript that allows you to install and manage dependencies for your Node.js projects. You can use NPM to install modules, manage versions, and run scripts.

To check if NPM is installed, you can open a terminal and type npm -v. If it’s installed, it will display the version number. If not, you can install it by running the Node.js installation file again and making sure the option to include NPM is selected.

Mise en route avec NPX

NPX is a tool that comes with NPM and allows you to execute Node.js commands without having to install the packages globally. This can be useful for running commands that are not frequently used or to try out new packages without cluttering your global installation.

To use NPX, you can simply type npx <command> in your terminal, and it will download the package and run the command. For example, you can run npx create-react-app my-react-app to create a new React application without having to install the create-react-app package globally.


Node.js, NPM, and NPX are powerful tools for JavaScript developers that provide a robust environment for building and managing applications. By following the installation and setup process, you can start leveraging the capabilities of Node.js and its associated tools to create scalable and efficient applications.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

Super, j'ai réussi à installer Node.js , npm et npx. Prêt pout le prochain cours 🙂

6 months ago

👍..Merci Mohamed

6 months ago

Merci pour cette intro 💯