Node.js Package for Initiating Payments and Managing Return and Callback URLs – Step 3

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Step 3 – Node.js Package | Initiating the payment | Manage the Return and Callback URLs

Step 3 – Node.js Package | Initiating the payment | Manage the Return and Callback URLs

After installing the Node.js package for handling payments, the next step is to initiate the payment and manage the return and callback URLs. This is an important part of the payment process as it ensures that the user is redirected to the correct page after completing the payment.

Initiating the Payment

To initiate the payment, you will need to use the relevant functions provided by the Node.js package. These functions will handle the communication with the payment gateway and generate the necessary payment request. You will typically need to provide details such as the amount to be paid, the currency, and any additional information required by the payment gateway. Once the payment request is generated, it can be sent to the payment gateway for processing.

Manage the Return and Callback URLs

After the payment is processed, the payment gateway will redirect the user to a return URL. This URL should be specified when initiating the payment and should point to a page on your website where the user will be directed after completing the payment. This page can be used to display a confirmation message or to provide further instructions to the user.

In addition to the return URL, you will also need to manage the callback URL. This URL is used by the payment gateway to notify your website about the status of the payment. When the payment is successfully processed, the payment gateway will send a callback to the specified URL with details of the transaction. It is important to handle this callback and update your database or perform any additional actions required based on the payment status.

Example Code:

Below is an example of how you can initiate the payment and manage the return and callback URLs using the Node.js package:

const paymentGateway = require(‘payment-gateway-node’);

// Initiate the payment
const paymentRequest = {
amount: 100.00,
currency: ‘USD’,
returnURL: ‘’,
callbackURL: ‘’

.then(response => {
console.log(‘Payment initiated successfully:’, response);
.catch(error => {
console.error(‘Error initiating payment:’, error);

// Handle the return and callback URLs
app.get(‘/payment-success’, (req, res) => {
res.send(‘Payment successful. Thank you!’);
});‘/payment-callback’, (req, res) => {
// Handle the payment callback and update your database

By following these steps and using the relevant functions provided by the Node.js package, you can effectively initiate payments and manage the return and callback URLs to ensure a smooth payment process for your users.