
Node.js REST API – Integrating Angular v17 to Fetch Users | Full Stack Development Workflow

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Angular v17 – Fetching Users from my Node.js REST API | Full Stack Development Workflow

Angular v17 – Fetching Users from my Node.js REST API

Full Stack Development Workflow

Angular v17 is the latest version of the popular frontend framework that is widely used for building dynamic web applications. In this article, we will explore how to fetch users from a Node.js REST API using Angular v17. We will also discuss the full stack development workflow for building a complete web application.

Setting up the Node.js REST API

First, we need to set up a Node.js REST API to serve the user data. This can be achieved by creating a new Node.js project, installing the necessary dependencies, and setting up the routes to handle requests for user data.

Using Angular v17 to Fetch Users

Once we have our Node.js REST API set up, we can use Angular v17 to fetch the user data from the API. We can achieve this by making HTTP requests to the API endpoints using Angular’s HttpClient module.

Here’s an example of how we can fetch users from our Node.js REST API using Angular v17:

	  getUsers() {
	    return this.http.get('http://localhost:3000/users');

With this code, we are making a GET request to the /users endpoint of our Node.js REST API and retrieving the user data.

Full Stack Development Workflow

As we can see, the process of fetching users from a Node.js REST API using Angular v17 is just one part of the full stack development workflow. The full stack development workflow involves building both the frontend and backend components of a web application and integrating them to create a complete solution.

The workflow typically involves the following steps:

1. Setting up the backend: This involves creating a Node.js project, setting up the necessary routes, and defining the data model for the user data.

2. Building the frontend: This involves creating an Angular v17 project, setting up the necessary components, and making HTTP requests to the backend API to fetch the user data.

3. Integrating the frontend and backend: This involves connecting the frontend and backend components to create a seamless user experience.

By following this full stack development workflow, we can create a complete web application that leverages the power of both Angular v17 and Node.js to deliver a rich user experience.


In this article, we have explored how to fetch users from a Node.js REST API using Angular v17. We have also discussed the full stack development workflow for building a complete web application. By following this workflow, we can take advantage of the power of both Angular v17 and Node.js to create rich and dynamic web applications.

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4 months ago

Wow nice work i really appreciate your tutorial👏👏

4 months ago

Hi, look good to me Esther this was a amazing !

4 months ago

Hello Dear. Please add an Authentication and Authorization System.