Node.js version xxx detected. Minimum required Node.js version is either xxx | Ionic

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Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to run JavaScript on the server-side, enabling them to build scalable network applications. In this tutorial, I will guide you on how to handle the case where your Node.js version is below the minimum required version for your Ionic project.

First, you need to check the version of Node.js installed on your machine by opening a terminal window and typing the following command:

node --version

This will output the current version of Node.js on your machine. If the version is below the required minimum version for your Ionic project, you will need to update it.

To update Node.js, you can either download and install the latest version from the official Node.js website ( or use a version management tool like NVM (Node Version Manager). NVM allows you to easily switch between different versions of Node.js on your machine.

To install NVM, you can use the following commands:

curl -o- | bash


wget -qO- | bash

Once NVM is installed, you can use it to install the required version of Node.js for your Ionic project. For example, if your project requires Node.js version 12.x, you can use the following command to install it:

nvm install 12

After installing the required Node.js version, you can switch to it using the following command:

nvm use 12

Now that you have the correct version of Node.js installed, you can proceed to set up your Ionic project. Make sure to update the minimum Node.js version required in your project’s package.json file. You can do this by editing the "engines" field as follows:

"engines": {
  "node": ">=12"

This will ensure that anyone running your Ionic project will be prompted to update their Node.js version if it is below the required minimum.

In conclusion, Node.js is a powerful runtime that allows developers to build server-side applications using JavaScript. By ensuring that you have the correct version installed for your Ionic project, you can avoid compatibility issues and ensure a smooth development process. I hope this tutorial has been helpful in guiding you on how to handle Node.js version discrepancies in your project.