Notepad++: A Brief History of the Popular Text Editor for Developers on Windows #tech #developer #software #programming

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The History of Notepad++

The History of Notepad++

Notepad++ is a popular text editor for Microsoft Windows. It was first released in 2003 and has since become a favorite among developers and programmers.

Early Beginnings

The first version of Notepad++ was created by Don Ho, a developer from Vietnam. He wanted to create a simple and lightweight text editor that would provide more features than the default Notepad application in Windows.

Features and Functionality

Notepad++ quickly gained popularity due to its features such as syntax highlighting, which allows developers to easily read and understand different programming languages. It also supports tabbed editing, allowing users to work on multiple files in a single window.

Growing Community

As Notepad++ gained traction, a community of users and developers formed around the software. This community contributed to the development of plugins and extensions, further expanding the capabilities of the text editor.

Continued Development

Notepad++ has continued to evolve over the years, with regular updates and improvements to keep up with the changing needs of developers. It has remained a free and open-source software, allowing anyone to contribute to its development.

Legacy and Impact

Notepad++ has left a lasting impact on the developer community, with many users praising its simplicity and versatility. It has become a staple tool for many programmers and continues to be a popular choice for writing and editing code.

As of today, Notepad++ remains a widely-used text editor and is a testament to the impact that a simple and well-designed software can have on the world of technology.

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4 months ago

Still use it. Prefer it above VScode

4 months ago

VSCode open lightning fast for me. But then again, I do go and make sure to uninstall crap that I am not using every once in a while.

4 months ago

Isn't Notepad++ compatible with wine layer?

4 months ago

Its crazy people feel proud for using vim.

4 months ago

As much as I like hating on microsoft VScode is a great IDE

4 months ago

many unclose issues, a word wrap problem on notepad++
however it is the best tool unchanged

4 months ago

I am not a developer or have anything to donwith programming but ita amzing to alter config files for minecraft mods

4 months ago

Most loved feature of Notepad++ is a Compare plugin.

4 months ago

It is a shame its not available on Linux, but following the mainstream rollout of WSL it now forms part of the wider ecosystem.

4 months ago

Notepad++ is great for some tasks, but it is mainly a text editor, bot a viewer, bot a search tool,not an IDE, and it has its issues:
– It is not good at working with large files/searching in large files, in particular in 32bit. Other tools (glogg, agent ransack) are much better at that.
– Important plugins still only available in 32bit.
– The user interface has issues with hires displays and scaling.

4 months ago

I use Notepad++ as a notepad. That is, I write down things that I need short-term but do not intend save as a file. Since Notepad++ will keep a copy – even if you close the app or reboot the system – it can be nicely used for that purpose.

4 months ago

It wasn’t a game
changer, lots of other great editors written in C++ existed already, like Editpad.

4 months ago

In ops we use this, would never bother with vs code for most tasks

4 months ago

Linux have a handful of editor superior to notepad++. In windows it's a great software, on linux it would be a weak option.

4 months ago

Np++ is an amazing editor but thing is that I have left Windows platform and I am settled with Linux.
I like Np++ but Linux has giant like "Kate editor"!!

4 months ago

Cotedit is not the same but if you need a lightweight text editor for macos that's the way to go

4 months ago

Next, disable the VsCode docker extension in millieconds 🙂

4 months ago

Shit how easily we forget the beauty and simplicity of some of the old classics…

Npp, Winamp, goldwave, shall I continue???

4 months ago

I feel like programers are very impatient people. Guys would not last as an animator. Lol

4 months ago

notepad++ gang