Nowa NextJs Javascript – React-Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Installation Process.

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Installation process of Nowa NextJs JavaScript – React-bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Installation process of Nowa NextJs JavaScript – React-bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

If you are looking to quickly set up a clean and responsive admin dashboard template for your project, Nowa NextJs JavaScript – React-bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template might be just what you need. This template is built on top of Next.js and React-bootstrap, making it a powerful and efficient choice for creating modern web applications.

Step 1: Clone the repository

First, you will need to clone the repository of Nowa NextJs JavaScript – React-bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template from GitHub. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

git clone

Step 2: Install dependencies

Next, navigate into the cloned directory and install the dependencies using npm or yarn. Run the following command:

cd dashboard
npm install


yarn install

Step 3: Start the development server

Once the dependencies are installed, you can start the development server by running the following command:

npm run dev

This will start the server and open a browser window with the admin dashboard template running locally.

Step 4: Customize the template

Now that you have the template up and running, you can start customizing it to fit your needs. You can change the layout, colors, and content to create a unique admin dashboard for your project.

Step 5: Deploy your project

Finally, once you are happy with the customizations, you can deploy your project to a live server. There are several options for deployment, including hosting services like Vercel, Netlify, or Heroku.

That’s it! You now have a fully functional admin dashboard template set up and ready to use for your project. Enjoy the flexibility and efficiency of Nowa NextJs JavaScript – React-bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template!

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