
Nuxt 3 and Nitro: What You Need to Know

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Nuxt 3 & Nitro

The Future of Nuxt with Nitro

Nuxt is a powerful framework for building modern web applications using Vue.js. It provides great developer experience and incorporates best practices in web development. With the release of Nuxt 3 and the introduction of Nitro, the future of Nuxt is looking even brighter.

What’s New in Nuxt 3?

Nuxt 3 comes with a slew of new features and improvements. It’s built on top of the Vite build tool, which provides faster hot module replacement and build times. The new Babel and PostCSS configurations make it easier to customize and extend the build process. Additionally, Nuxt 3 introduces a new plugin system for better extensibility and a revamped middleware API for improved routing and middleware configuration. Overall, Nuxt 3 is a significant upgrade that brings better performance and developer experience.

Introducing Nitro

Nitro is a new project from the Nuxt team that aims to provide a best-in-class developer experience for building server-rendered applications. It’s built on top of Nuxt 3 and provides a simple, opinionated setup for building server-rendered applications with Nuxt. Nitro aims to streamline the development process by providing sensible defaults and automatic code splitting for better performance. It also includes built-in support for server-side rendering, static site generation, and API routes, making it a comprehensive solution for building modern web applications.

The Future of Nuxt and Nitro

With the release of Nuxt 3 and the introduction of Nitro, the future of Nuxt and server-rendered applications looks promising. The combination of Nuxt’s powerful framework and Nitro’s streamlined development experience provides a compelling solution for building modern web applications. As the Nuxt and Nitro projects continue to evolve, developers can expect even more improvements and features that will further enhance their workflows and the performance of their applications.

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Olivier de Jong
7 months ago

Question about the Nitro server: as it basically stores the state of the fetched data to be persisted over page reload, and allows me to add types that flow through to the frontend (and probably it does way more than that), would I also want all my api calls to go through the Nitro server when fetching data from my own Laravel api?

Chavez Harris
7 months ago

Watching from Guyana, South America. Enjoyed this!!

Haopei Yang
7 months ago

I finally understand nitro, thank you.

Scott Rod
7 months ago

How come the images don't load on the Netlify site, but load just fine locally?

7 months ago

Dream come true, Jason & Daniel on Nuxt 3 😍

7 months ago

Man crushing with Daniel Roe! the dude is amazing. BTW I found this video after fighting days to figure it out myself by jumping all over the docs. Something like this needs to be added to the Nuxt doc. Jason and Daniel, awesome video!!!

The one
7 months ago

It's funny because I am a Vue dev for 5+ years now and I have never felt that I need to try/use Nuxt but the last couple of month I have seen Daniel showcasing Nuxt and I am like "What am I waiting? This looks awesome!". Thank you Daniel! I would Definitely LOVE a part 2

7 months ago

Thanks for stream.

Andrei Luca
7 months ago

Problem with <picture>, is that is inline by default, it won’t get any width or height

7 months ago

This was great! Would be cool to have Daniel talk more in depth about some of the advanced features of Nuxt.

7 months ago

This is great Nuxt's introduction, thanks Jason and Daniel!

Cody Bontecou
7 months ago

Ooooo very excited to watch this. Thank you two for making it happen!

Ahmad Zafar
7 months ago

Nice! Would be awesome to see more details on native caching features or maybe even implementation of Tanstack Query in nuxt.