NY Judge Asserts Authority with Swift Decision Against Trump

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In a bold and unprecedented move, a New York judge has shown President Donald Trump who’s boss by delivering a crushing ruling in a case against his administration. The swift and decisive action by the judge has sent shockwaves through the political world and has undoubtedly put the President on notice.

The case in question involves the Trump administration’s attempt to block a subpoena for the President’s tax returns. The judge wasted no time in dismissing the administration’s arguments and ordering that the subpoena be upheld. This ruling is a major blow to the President, who has been fighting tooth and nail to keep his financial records out of the public eye.

The judge’s decision to swiftly and firmly reject the administration’s attempts to stonewall the legal process sends a clear message that no one, not even the President, is above the law. It is a powerful rebuke to the Trump administration’s ongoing efforts to evade accountability and transparency.

This ruling also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of an independent judiciary in upholding the rule of law. It shows that judges are not swayed by political considerations or pressure from powerful figures, but are dedicated to upholding the principles of justice and fairness.

The timing of this ruling could not be more significant, coming at a time when the Trump administration is facing increased scrutiny and legal challenges on multiple fronts. It serves as a stark reminder to the President that he cannot simply bully his way out of legal troubles and that the courts will hold him accountable for his actions.

The judge’s swift and uncompromising ruling has undoubtedly emboldened those who have been pushing for accountability and transparency in the Trump administration. It is a powerful statement that the legal system will not be manipulated or undermined for political gain.

It remains to be seen how the administration will respond to this setback, but one thing is clear – the judge’s ruling has shown President Trump who’s boss and has sent a loud and clear message that the rule of law will prevail, no matter who tries to challenge it.

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6 months ago

This is what happens when pseudo-"Christian" "Conservatives" slowly take over government; they can return a nation to the theocratic / plutocratic Dark Ages.

To the MAGA cult followers, Truth, facts, empirical evidence, law, justice are all now meaningless and come a distant to the MAGA Republican Conservatives' extremist ideology and blind allegiance to their 'Orange Jesus" Trump.

Years of Russian, and far-right wing corporatist disinformation on media and social media spewing constant conspiracies, science denial, hate-mongering, fear-mongering, xenophobia, slander and defamation against all honorable American politicians like Obama, Clinton, Biden, Liz Cheney, etc has indoctrinated tens of millions of MAGA cult followers.

Corrupt right-wing media like Fox, OAN, Newsmax, Breitbar, Infowars, Turning Point, Epoch Times, NRA TV, etc., in coordination with the Russian infiltration of conservative organizations like the NRA and American "Christian" organizations was all roughly coordinated to gradually destroy American Democracy; simply by first destroying all Truth itself; along with all rationale, reason, logic, science, empiricism, honor and integrity.

What the Putin/Trump/GOP/Faux "Christian" fascists have done over the last decade in the USA is actually very much like what Hitler and the Nazis did in Germany in the 1930's. Like all fascists they simply radicalize enough citizens with enough oft-repeated big lies, hate, fear, division, militarism… to undermine democracy and law.

6 months ago

Love the Rush reference!

6 months ago

Phew… What a relief… thanks, Ben, needed to hear that breakdown. Keep up the "good trouble", good reporting, and a great interview by the way. 👏💯👏

6 months ago

I am so sick and tired of this f**** two-tiered justice system

6 months ago

I hope the people in New York and follow through with the threats on Engoron. But now he's on house arrest. He can't leave his house without security! Great Quality of life, Engoron!!!😂😂

6 months ago

Total lies and gashtlighting click bait…no way no how…game over set match…in Jesus Christ name…bye

6 months ago

Trump doesn't take the law seriously because he knows Judges don't have the guts to do what's right. They
don't want to be the ones who enforce the law on a former president who has a cult following. They are afraid for
their lives, Their families lives and instead they come up with silly reasons to give him a pass. Show DJT and the
world the law is real, the Constitution is real, our Democracy is real, put his azz in jail for at least a week, let everyone
on this planet know "JUSTICE MATTERS".!!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA.!!!!!!!

6 months ago


6 months ago

The reason why he's doing this is because everybody is letting them do it nobody is holding him accountable for his actions and the rule of law does not apply to him use the law the way it's supposed to work with him and put his ass in jail

6 months ago

Are you sure Judge Arthur Engoron is boss? As long as Trump can run his mouth intimidating and mobilizing his thugs and not spend a day in jail, he is the boss

6 months ago

Lock Trump up already TREASON

6 months ago

Put trump on the stand and fine him if he can not control himself!!! Clearly even his attorneys knows he can not be handled

6 months ago

Since the purpose of his testimony is to provide evidence on the damages portion of the civil suit, how can the topic of the judge’s clerk be relevant to that issue?

6 months ago

Perhaps part of the issue is that trump is holding out for a "ball-gag"?

6 months ago

even a broken clock is right twice a day. Not one of these judges has my respect. because they are treating trump differently. and it is WRONG PERIOD> I am sick of all of them. and as far as I am concerned. none of them are worth a damn thing. Our country is at risk. and these judges know it. and still they do nothing//shame on them all

6 months ago

He actually spoke to the courtroom sketch artist. He asked to see the sketch then said he looked fat 😂😂😂

6 months ago

Gag the disgusting creep with his own panties!

6 months ago

Welcome to the Meidas Mighty Dave! I'm happy you've joined us and will stand for truth, justice and upholding Democracy from facists.

6 months ago

Well if you where able to make me believe that prosecutors aren't some of the worst people in the American 'justice system' then you are a great communicator. But I think your college in St Johns County has shown the normal behavior of prosecutors in the USA. We Americans are a blood thirsty lot and that seems to be the main driver of the actions of prosecutors it is certainly not justice.

6 months ago

Vote Blue Wave All The Way.