Oakland City Council unanimously votes for resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza

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The Oakland City Council took a stand for peace on Tuesday when they unanimously passed a resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. The resolution, which was introduced by Councilmember Carroll Fife, calls for an immediate halt to the violence that has been ravaging the region for the past several weeks.

The council’s decision to approve the resolution comes at a critical time, as the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues to escalate, resulting in the loss of hundreds of lives, including many civilians. The resolution highlights the need for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing violence and emphasizes the council’s commitment to promoting human rights and justice for all people involved in the conflict.

Councilmember Carroll Fife, who introduced the resolution, emphasized the importance of Oakland taking a stand on the issue. “As a city that has been at the forefront of social justice movements, it is crucial that we speak out against the violence and loss of life that is occurring in Gaza,” Fife said. “Our resolution sends a clear message that Oakland stands with the people of Gaza and calls for an immediate ceasefire to end the bloodshed.”

The passage of the resolution has been celebrated by many in the Oakland community, including local activists and advocacy groups who have been calling for an end to the violence in Gaza. They see the council’s decision as a strong statement of solidarity with the people of Gaza and a powerful example of local government taking a stand on international issues.

The resolution also calls for the United States government to use its diplomatic influence to push for a ceasefire and to address the root causes of the conflict. It emphasizes the need for a meaningful and lasting peace that addresses the underlying issues that have fueled the violence in the region for decades.

The passage of the resolution by the Oakland City Council demonstrates the city’s commitment to promoting peace and justice on the global stage. By taking a stand on the issue of the ceasefire in Gaza, the council is sending a message that the people of Oakland will not stand idly by while innocent lives are being lost in a conflict that has profound human rights implications.

As the world watches the situation in Gaza unfold, the Oakland City Council’s resolution serves as a reminder of the importance of local leadership in addressing global issues. By voicing support for a ceasefire and calling for an end to the violence, the council is showing that even at the local level, meaningful action can be taken to promote peace and justice on the world stage.

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6 months ago

How does this do anything to stop war or help peace. You think Israel or Hamas care what OAKLAND city council says?!?

Hilarious they spend time on this when they can’t even stop war within their city.

6 months ago

Don't look at Oakland. It's like Sodom and Gamora. You'll turn into a pillar of salt.

6 months ago

zionists crying in the comments lol antisemitism my foot 🤮 from the river to the sea Palestine will be free 🇵🇸

6 months ago

Normalization of pro-terrorism and antisemitic viewpoints has reached a fever pitch. Where were these activists protesting the civil wars in Yemen or Syria, the expulsion of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh or the expulsion of the Rohingya from Myanmar? Or how about the active conflict in Sudan? They have this incredible laser focus on just one conflict at the expense of far worse human rights situations because of their vitriolic hatred of Jews and Israel.

6 months ago

I swear to god this state is FULL to the BRIM of morons

6 months ago

Israel is committing genocide and displacement since 75 years where is your condemnation of that????

6 months ago

O free Americans, your president suffers from several illnesses related to old age and several illnesses related to megalomania, the madness of power and the madness of ethnic affiliation with world Zionism. Today, your president has become the protector of tribalism, racism and hatred, and he is primarily responsible for the massacres committed by the Zionist occupying army in Gaza. This fascist army executed, with your money, twenty thousand Palestinians in two months only, and fifty thousand injured, includingt thousands among them who will live with eternal disabilities.
Youth of the United States of America, during this dirty war, your sick president came to Israel to show solidarity with the Zionist fascist invaders and declared himself the leader of world fascism and guarantor of the security of neo-Nazism in the occupied land of Palestine. O youth of the United States of America, there is no deterrent for your mentally ill president except you; so don't let him sacrifice the reputation of your great country and your security.
Islamic world, Arab world and the rest of the peoples of the world thank you for your great marches through American cities and greet you with a sincere, fraternal and militant salute for your uprisings against your odious and fanatical racist president, and they ask you for more. Your president is a danger to you and to the rest of the people of the world, so you must force him to resign because he is sullying America's place. Place him in a psychiatric hospital.
The human race is threatened by the dictatorship of AIPAC which is the true world government; but a suicidal, bloodthirsty and brutal government; responsible for all evils on earth; because AIPAC holds the supreme power in America. But when supreme power is in the hands of a sect, the nuclear threat weighs on the entire world. Remember that the decision to drop the two atomic bombs on Japan was a Zionist decision. Nothing prevents the power of Zionist holdings from repeating the macabre……
Long live America without its racist president…….
Long live America with its heroic people………….

6 months ago

That proves that the Okland City Council doesn't have anything to do for the Oakland residents. I believe that there are more important issues to be addressed in Oakland rather than wasting taxpayers playing like the United Nations.
Looks like a circus full of clowns 🤡 rather than a city council.

6 months ago

Dude, you're not in a position to demand anything. Better yet, go to Gaza and demand Hamas cease fire. Let me know how that works for you.

6 months ago

is this the one and same city council calling for a cease fire in OakTown…..what a waste of ti me

6 months ago

Did the Americans forget about the twin towers that bring jihadists to their cities?

6 months ago

Is this a Palestinian city or do they have relatives in the terrorist group Hamas?

6 months ago

Oakland = Jokeland

6 months ago

This is literally hilarious

6 months ago

Oh boy lol

6 months ago

Far left radicals have such an intense aversion to anything that remotely reminds them of American conservatives. Yet, they align themselves with a religious ideology that overshadows anything from the Christian right with regards to curtailing religious freedom and women rights. I hope for a two state solution, but I am not naive—I know what a Palestinian state will look like with regards to its treatment for women, apostates, gay people, etc. Why is it that one brand of conservative ideals is anathema, while the another more radical and patriarcal religion is celebrated and admired.

The horseshoe theory has never been more relevant, and neither has the notion of the paradox of tolerance.

6 months ago

0. Iq

6 months ago

Serious Question; what is city council in term of policy maker?. And How do they pick people to talk in that forum.

6 months ago

These Einsteins can't even call for a Ceasefire in Oakland!!!!!! NO ONE and I mean No ONE hates like a liberal! NO ONE. Watch this hate fest in oakland!

6 months ago

It’s crazy how much they sound like Marjorie Taylor Greene and MAGA conspiracy theorists.

A fascinating study in horseshoe theory — the extreme lunatic left becomes indistinguishable from the extreme lunatic right.