Object Detection using Keras-CV

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Keras-CV: Object Detection

Keras-CV: Object Detection

Keras-CV is an open-source deep learning library that provides a high-level interface to object detection models. Object detection is a computer vision task that involves identifying and locating objects within an image or video.

Why Use Keras-CV for Object Detection?

Keras-CV offers several advantages for object detection tasks. It provides a collection of pre-trained models that can be easily used for inference, and also offers support for training custom object detection models. Additionally, Keras-CV includes a range of evaluation metrics and visualization tools, making it easy to assess the performance of object detection models.

Getting Started with Keras-CV

To get started with Keras-CV for object detection, you will need to have Python and Keras installed on your system. You can install Keras-CV using pip:

      pip install keras-cv

Once Keras-CV is installed, you can start using it for object detection by importing the necessary modules and loading a pre-trained model. For example:

      import keras_cv
      model = keras_cv.models.detect_resnet50_coco()

Training Custom Object Detection Models

In addition to using pre-trained models, Keras-CV also allows you to train custom object detection models on your own dataset. This can be done using the provided training scripts and tools, which make it easy to fine-tune existing models or train new models from scratch.

Example Usage

Here is an example of using Keras-CV for object detection:

      import keras_cv
      from keras_cv.models import detect_resnet50_coco
      from keras_cv.utils import draw_boxes

      # Load a pre-trained model
      model = detect_resnet50_coco(pretrained=True)

      # Perform object detection on an input image
      image = load_image('example.jpg')
      boxes, scores, labels = model.predict(image)

      # Visualize the results
      draw_boxes(image, boxes, scores, labels)


Keras-CV is a powerful and versatile tool for object detection, offering pre-trained models, support for training custom models, and a range of evaluation and visualization tools. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced deep learning practitioner, Keras-CV provides a high-level interface for working with object detection models.