Object Detection with Raspberry Pi 5 using TensorFlow Lite

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Raspberry Pi 5 TensorFlow-lite Object Detection

Raspberry Pi 5 TensorFlow-lite Object Detection

Raspberry Pi is a popular single-board computer that can be used for a variety of projects, including object detection. With the release of Raspberry Pi 5, the performance has been greatly improved, making it even more suitable for running TensorFlow-lite object detection models.

What is TensorFlow-lite?

TensorFlow-lite is a lightweight version of the popular machine learning framework TensorFlow. It is designed to run on resource-constrained devices like Raspberry Pi, making it ideal for applications like object detection.

Object Detection with TensorFlow-lite on Raspberry Pi 5

To perform object detection on Raspberry Pi 5 using TensorFlow-lite, you will need to first install the TensorFlow-lite library on your device. You can do this by following the installation instructions provided on the TensorFlow website.

Once you have installed TensorFlow-lite, you can download a pre-trained object detection model from the TensorFlow Model Zoo. These models have been trained on large datasets and can be used for various object detection tasks.

After downloading the model, you can use the TensorFlow-lite library to load the model onto your Raspberry Pi 5 and run object detection on images or videos. This will allow you to detect and classify objects in real-time, making it a powerful tool for a variety of applications.


Raspberry Pi 5 combined with TensorFlow-lite provides a powerful platform for object detection applications. With improved performance and ease of use, Raspberry Pi 5 is a great choice for running TensorFlow-lite object detection models.

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2 months ago

The camera used? Looks like Pi camera module 3 doesn't work. Also the reference to the source code does not include the programs demonstrated. Why?

2 months ago
