Official Django Polls Companion Videos for Building a Polls App

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Creating Polls App | Official Django Polls Companion Videos

Creating Polls App | Official Django Polls Companion Videos

If you’re interested in learning how to create a polls app using Django, the official Django Polls Companion Videos are a great resource to check out. These videos provide step-by-step guidance on how to build a polling application from scratch using the Django framework.

Why Use Django for Building Polls App?

Django is a high-level web framework that is designed to make web development fast and efficient. It provides a clean and pragmatic design and takes care of much of the hassle of web development, allowing developers to focus on writing their app without needing to reinvent the wheel. With its built-in tools for authentication, URL routing, and template engines, Django is an excellent choice for building web applications, including polling apps.

Key Features of the Official Django Polls Companion Videos

  • Comprehensive coverage of the entire process of creating a polling app.
  • Detailed explanations of Django concepts and best practices.
  • Practical examples and demonstrations of coding techniques.
  • Guidance on setting up the development environment.
  • Insights into deploying the polls app to a production environment.

Who Should Watch the Videos?

The official Django Polls Companion Videos are suitable for individuals who have a basic understanding of Python and web development concepts. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn how to build web applications or an experienced developer interested in exploring Django’s capabilities, these videos provide valuable insights and knowledge that can benefit developers at all skill levels.

Where to Find the Official Django Polls Companion Videos

The official Django Polls Companion Videos can be found on the official Django website or on popular video platforms such as YouTube. They are freely available and accessible to anyone who wants to learn how to create a polls app using Django.


If you’re interested in learning how to create a polling app using the Django framework, the official Django Polls Companion Videos are a valuable resource to explore. With comprehensive coverage of the entire development process and detailed explanations of Django concepts, these videos offer a practical and insightful guide to building a polls app from scratch.