Official Django Polls Companion Videos: Understanding Django

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03 Django Polls – What Is Django | Official Django Polls Companion Videos

03 Django Polls – What Is Django | Official Django Polls Companion Videos

If you are new to Django or just looking for some official companion videos to help you with your Django Polls project, you’re in luck! The Django team has released a series of videos that are designed to accompany the Polls tutorial in the official Django documentation. In this article, we’ll take a look at what Django is and why it’s a popular choice for web development, and we’ll also explore the official companion videos for the Django Polls project.

What Is Django?

Django is a high-level web framework for building web applications quickly and with ease. It is written in Python and follows the model-template-view (MTV) architectural pattern. Django’s primary goal is to make the development of web applications as straightforward as possible by providing a clean and pragmatic design.

Some of the key features of Django include its built-in authentication system, its powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for interacting with databases, and its extensive support for templating and static file handling. It also includes a robust and flexible URL routing system, making it easy to define clean and SEO-friendly URLs for your web applications.

Official Django Polls Companion Videos

The official Django team has created a series of companion videos to accompany the Polls tutorial in the official Django documentation. These videos cover a range of topics related to the Polls tutorial, including setting up a new Django project, creating models and views for the Polls app, and using Django’s built-in admin interface to manage Polls questions and choices.

Each video is presented by a member of the Django team and provides in-depth explanations and demonstrations of the concepts and techniques covered in the Polls tutorial. Whether you are new to Django or have some experience with the framework, these videos can be a valuable resource for learning how to build web applications with Django.


If you are interested in learning more about Django or are currently working on the Django Polls tutorial, be sure to check out the official companion videos. They can provide a great supplement to the written documentation and help you gain a deeper understanding of how to use Django for web development.

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6 months ago

I was struggling in following the documentation. Thank you for making this video.

6 months ago

Make a video on poetry for using django