
Onboarding: Lesson 6 – Making a Connection Between Your Frontend and Directus

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Lesson 6 – Connect Your Frontend to Directus – Onboarding

Lesson 6 – Connect Your Frontend to Directus – Onboarding

Directus is an open-source headless CMS that provides a powerful interface for managing content. In Lesson 6 of our onboarding series, we will learn how to connect our frontend application to Directus, allowing us to retrieve and display content from the CMS.

Step 1: Set Up Directus API

To connect our frontend to Directus, we first need to set up the Directus API. This involves creating an API key and configuring the necessary permissions for our frontend application to access the content in Directus.

Step 2: Fetch Content from Directus

Once the Directus API is set up, we can use JavaScript to fetch content from Directus. We can make use of the fetch API or libraries like axios to make GET requests to the Directus endpoints and retrieve the content we want to display on our frontend.

Step 3: Display Content on Frontend

After fetching the content from Directus, we can then display it on our frontend application. We can use HTML and CSS to structure and style the content, and JavaScript to dynamically populate the content on our webpage.


Connecting our frontend to Directus allows us to leverage the powerful content management capabilities of the CMS while providing a custom user interface for our audience. By following the steps outlined in this lesson, we can seamlessly integrate Directus with our frontend application and provide a seamless experience for our users.

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6 months ago

can directus work for non developers as a complete no code solution? or it is just not for us ?

6 months ago

What browser are you using?

6 months ago

How to make the styling work that comes from directus?

On my vue frontend, it just shows as: <h1>test</h1>

Instead of just 'test' in h1 styling

6 months ago

Brian, I reeally like sense of humour and your appreciation of GraphQL and Next.js 🙂

6 months ago

I think documentation is updated, itsn't same with docs on tutorial

6 months ago

I hereby formally request a full tutorial on building a frontend with the Nuxt Directus module. Maybe incorporating some of the workflow Heinrichs & Heinrichs have settled on.