One reason why FastAPI is gaining popularity

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FastAPI is a relatively new web framework for building APIs with Python that has been gaining rapid popularity in recent years. One of the key reasons for FastAPI’s rapid rise to prominence is its outstanding performance and speed.

FastAPI is specifically designed to be fast. It is built on top of the asynchronous programming capabilities provided by Python’s asyncio framework, which allows it to handle multiple requests concurrently without creating the overhead associated with traditional synchronous frameworks.

Furthermore, FastAPI leverages the type hints introduced in Python 3.5 to automatically generate API documentation using OpenAPI specifications. This feature not only saves developers time but also ensures that the API documentation is always up-to-date and accurate.

In addition to its performance advantages, FastAPI is also very easy to use and has a low learning curve. Its syntax is clear and concise, making it easy for developers to quickly get up and running with building APIs. FastAPI also comes with a built-in development server that automatically generates interactive API documentation, making it easy to test and debug APIs during development.

Another reason for FastAPI’s popularity is its support for modern web standards and features. FastAPI supports asynchronous request handling, which allows it to handle a large number of requests simultaneously without blocking the main thread. It also supports request validation, serialization, and authentication, making it a versatile framework for building secure and robust APIs.

Overall, FastAPI’s performance, ease of use, and support for modern web standards have made it a popular choice for developers looking to build high-performance APIs with Python. As the web development landscape continues to evolve, FastAPI is likely to remain a popular choice for building fast and reliable APIs.

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1 month ago

Looks alike flask

1 month ago

Ooooh ima try it

1 month ago

Would you consider making a tutorial about it with postgresql? There's no a lot of contents out there about FastAPI.

1 month ago

I've evaluated about 7 different API frameworks for a new app I'm working on and FastAPI takes the cake full stop

1 month ago

For me, the automatic OpenAPI and Redoc documentation generation is one of best features of fastapi

1 month ago

How is this different than using flask?

wasn’t flask already there for similar stuff?

1 month ago

Its freecodecamp video u just record and show

1 month ago

Adding –reload to start the app is more convenient…

1 month ago

Concise and to the point. Amazing stuff man

1 month ago

Whats the difference between FastAPI and flask? Speed? The syntax looks the same for both frameworks when building a basic route.

1 month ago

lol while people using frameworks for this I actually know what I'm doing lmao thnx, fyi if your using this you're probably copying and pasting code

1 month ago

Just started learning about apis, they seem like they can be created by Ai eventually but that’s just me. Thoughts?

1 month ago


1 month ago

i tried to learn python frameworks couple days ago. Django? Holy hell wtf is this? Fast API? Wow, this is quick!

1 month ago

Forgot to say that swagger and openapi comes built in

1 month ago

welll explained!

1 month ago

What you built wasnt a rest api ….

1 month ago

What api specifications does it use?

1 month ago

and that's only thing you can do? print hello world

1 month ago

Need hug