
Open Source Friday: Exploring Next Generation Frontend Tooling with ViteJS

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Next generation frontend tooling with ViteJS – Open Source Friday

Frontend development has come a long way in recent years. With the rise of single-page applications and the increased complexity of modern web applications, developers are constantly on the lookout for tools that can improve their productivity and make their workflows more efficient.

One such tool that has gained a lot of attention in the frontend community is ViteJS. Developed by Evan You, the creator of Vue.js, ViteJS is a next-generation frontend build tool that aims to provide faster and more efficient development experiences.

ViteJS takes a fundamentally different approach to building frontend applications compared to traditional bundlers like webpack or Rollup. Instead of bundling all the dependencies into a single file, ViteJS leverages native browser imports to fetch only the modules you need on demand during development.

This brings significant performance benefits, especially during the development process. With ViteJS, you can start your project in seconds rather than waiting for minutes or even longer for the bundler to process and bundle all your code and dependencies. It generates and serves your code on-demand, resulting in a more fluid and instant development experience.

When it comes to building your application for production, ViteJS still provides a blazing fast and optimized output. It uses rollup under the hood to compile your code into a highly optimized and small production-ready bundle. This ensures that the performance of your application is not compromised in any way.

Alongside its performance benefits, ViteJS also offers a rich plugin ecosystem that allows developers to extend and customize their build process. Whether you need to add CSS preprocessing, static asset handling, or any other custom functionality, ViteJS provides a simple and intuitive plugin API that can be leveraged to tailor the build tooling to your specific needs.

Moreover, ViteJS has first-class support for modern JavaScript features and supports TypeScript out of the box. This makes it a great choice for anyone using these technologies in their projects.

One of the reasons why ViteJS has gained popularity among the frontend community is its ease of use and developer-friendly experience. Its simple and intuitive configuration makes it easy to get started with, even for developers who are new to build tools. The documentation is extensive and provides clear examples and guides on how to use the tool effectively.

Another aspect that makes ViteJS stand out is its seamless integration with Vue.js. Being developed by the creator of Vue.js, ViteJS has excellent support for Vue projects out of the box. It leverages Vue’s native compiler to perform efficient hot-module reloading, making the development experience even more fluid and productive.

Open Source Friday is a community initiative that encourages developers to contribute to open source projects every Friday. ViteJS is an open-source project and actively welcomes contributions from the community. This means that developers can not only benefit from using ViteJS but also have the opportunity to contribute to its development and improvement.

In conclusion, ViteJS is a next-generation frontend tooling system that provides faster and more efficient development experiences. Its unique approach to module serving and hot-module reloading makes it incredibly performant during development, while still producing highly optimized production-ready bundles. With its extensive plugin ecosystem, ease of use, and strong integration with Vue.js, ViteJS is definitely worth considering for any frontend developer looking to enhance their tooling stack and improve their workflow. So why not give it a try this Open Source Friday and see how it can revolutionize your frontend development process?

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Nate Diven
8 months ago

Vite is amazing

Salaheddin AbuEin
8 months ago

Thank you.

Rahjuhrshee Khatoowa
8 months ago

one of my biggest inspiration is evan you

Programming Life
8 months ago

That is Pretty Much AMazing , Thankyou Evan for this Contribution.

Joaquin Paniagua
8 months ago

Great video!

Jorge Herran Rath
8 months ago

You, you are a genius, I am a Full Stack Development's student and your stuff is way ahead classic react.

Talha Ejaz
8 months ago

the guest is a 1000X developer than me.

8 months ago

Vite is amazing, but it would be even more amazing if Node/Javascript clean up its modules strategy once and for all. If every other language can do it, just cannot understand why JS can't

javad noroozi
8 months ago


xy Zing
8 months ago

Evan is not only the creator of vite and vue, but also a good teacher.

8 months ago

i start to add ./node_modules/.bin to path, thanks

8 months ago

Evan You is like a proud father as he describes 🙂 Anyway looks so good, thank you for taking the time and effort to make Vite!

Dave Stewart
8 months ago

Captions say "Project Cod Feet" 😆

8 months ago

what is his code theme ?

8 months ago

I tried vite on my vue cli project . Its much faster when initial compiling but for me seems same for me when doing hot reloading i mean when i write code and on broweser it takes 3 to 4 sec to reflect changes on screen. dont know if i am doing any thing wrong. although it helps to remove all the unnecessary files from your public dir

Hh Lohmann
8 months ago

even you can make big things work simple

Scott O'Nanski
8 months ago

So, basically liveserver that bundles.

8 months ago

You's awesomeness has gone to his head and that's okay.

Ewerton Rodrigues OLD
8 months ago

How is Vite currently?

Ready for production?

8 months ago

The auto generated subs are hilarious